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- Moriah Quarles
Missionary Moriah Quarles DONATE Hello!! I am a full-time missionary working mostly in unreached regions of the world to bring the Gospel and discipleship to those who have not yet heard of Jesus. My heartbeat is simply to love God with all that I am, and to see Him get His full reward in the nations of the earth. My prayer will always be, “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done…now and until You return.” I have a deep burning to see the global body of Christ be unified in fulfilling the Great Commission and crying out “Maranatha.” I am currently serving in Germany with the Reviving the World (RTW) team, hosting and running crusades throughout the country. All this is done through partnering with local ministries (touching refugees, business people, prostitutes, etc), serving the Church, and equipping the Body of Christ to evangelize and disciple their cities! RTW is under the umbrella of Christ for All Nations (CfaN), founded by the late evangelist, Reinhard Bonkee. In the last 50 years, they have seen millions of people come to Christ. 3,000 were added to the Church in one day at Pentecost...but today we are seeing even up to 100-fold harvest in just a single, four-day crusade in Africa!! While we as RTW are still pioneering crusade work in Europe, we have great faith for God to do here what He has done in Africa for the last half-century. He is the same God and has already performed many miracles, signs, and wonders in Germany! And we are committed to partnering with evangelistic networks across the globe to continue until we see the great commission fulfilled. Thank you for partnering with me in whatever way that looks like! Until He Returns, Moriah Donate
- Raquel Machado Pingueiro
Missionary Raquel Machado Pingueiro DONATE Hello everyone, I’m Raquel, I’m Brazilian and since June 2022 I have been serving as a full time missionary in London. The base is called YWAM Urban Key Harlesden. Since I can remember, God has put this love for England in my heart. I tried to run from it, thinking that I was crazy, but God kept moving and took me to London, and I finally feel that’s where I should be. Right now my focus is to serve. First, God spoke a lot about commitment , and I feel much more connected to the base in this aspect, helping the ways I can. I’m always part of the ministries we run, for example food bank, evangelism, our coffee shop where we do lots of workshops for the community, its a lot of relational evangelism, and really touches my heart when I see people changing their lives. I also help leading some schools we run in the base, and I have been in many outreaches since I have joined. In the future I also want to go deep in knowledge about counselling, I really think it’s key for the way I relate to people, since I have already seen God moving this way, but I would like to have more tools for it. Most of all I need prayers! First to my heart, to keep aligned with God. I believe that everything starts with me, if I allow God to work in my heart and life, others are gonna be touched automatically through my life. Also for finances! God has been amazing, every month it’s a new miracle for provision, but now specifically I’m facing a visa situation that costs a lot, praying for new miracles! God keep blessing you, and all of us, to keep moving as a body of Christ! Raquel Donate
- Haleigh Keziah
Missionary Haleigh Keziah DONATE Haleigh is a full-time missionary with YWAM (Youth With A Mission). She is not only committed to seeing the nations reached with the Gospel but with discipleship also. Haleigh is passionate about people being able to worship God within the context of their own culture. Specifically within sports and creative expression. Her heart behind discipleship has prepared her to start focusing on sports ministry and providing an outlet for children and teens to express themselves, keeping them off the streets and away from drug abuse. The main goal of her ministry is to incorporate the values of discipleship with the values of sports while also teaching them spiritual growth. In her own words: "Not only am I called to the Nations, I want to love them in the same way the Father pours out His love on me. I am passionate about seeing God’s beauty and nature expressed through other cultures as well as their original style of worship to Him. People deserve to be authentic in their worship and it ultimately glorifies God." Haleigh is seeking a committed team of people who will invest with her through prayer, encouragement, and accountability as well as financially. She is currently building a team of investors who will give towards her goal of $3,000 a month, which will allow her to fully serve God's plan for her overseas. Would you prayerfully consider joining this team of monthly investors, or contributing a one-time gift? Donate
- Paetyn Allen
Missionary Paetyn Allen DONATE My name is Paetyn Allen. I’m a full-time missionary with YWAM. My heart is to see the next generation walk in their God-given identity and freedom in Christ. This would inspire them to fully surrender their lives to Jesus and share His love with others. My goal is to help create a Biblical foundation in people’s lives for a life-time discipleship with Jesus. When I did my Discipleship Training School (DTS) with YWAM (Youth With A Mission), it was then that God broke my heart for those that don’t have a relationship with Him. I was radically changed and impacted by the Gospel with a new perspective and a heart for the lost. There’s about 3.3 billion people around the world who’ve never heard of the Gospel! 3.3 billion people who have never had an opportunity to have a relationship with God. During my Bible School in 2022, God shared with me His heart for Japan. This is a country of rich history and beautiful culture that represents honor and excellency to a high degree but has no idea they were created for a greater purpose. This is a people group that is bound to conformity and lack of identity, but that’s not the story that God has for them. I’ve seen Japanese people light up with joy of the Lord, step out in boldness and hold a deep reverence to Jesus. I desire to see Japan reached and revived with the Gospel of Jesus. I will be working with YWAM Japan to pioneer an English ministry and participate in various other ministries throughout Osaka. The desire is to create Kingdom centered classrooms that allow room for the Lord’s grace and love to be displayed. As well as to encourage fellow believers to step out in their faith and witness the Lord move in Japan. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age…” Mathew 28:19-20 As Christians, we have a role to PRAY, GIVE and GO (Intercession, Tithing and Teaching). As for me, God has called me to GO but I need people to partner with me to fulfill this calling. Would you consider praying about partnering with me in seeing Japan radically changed in freedom and truth? Blessings, Paetyn P.S. This is my email if you have further questions: Donate
- Angelina Payne
Missionary Angelina Payne DONATE Hello everyone! My name is Angelina Payne and I’m serving with YWAM(Youth With A Mission) in Kona, Hawaii! YWAM is a collaborative non-profit mission sending organization that is focused on fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16). It is a global movement, full of young people driven by a passion to know God and make Him known. I did my DTS in the beginning of 2024 and since then the Lord put a burning for missions in my heart. Discipleship Training School (DTS) is a six-month program that teaches you to pursue God and be activated to make Him known in the nations. Since then I got a word from the Lord that I’m supposed to come back to YWAM to join a school called Frontlines. I’m currently in Kona, Hawaii being trained to become a leader fighting injustices like war, poverty, and human trafficking. After two and a half months of lecture phase, I will go to Cambodia and the Philippines to help the fight against human trafficking, altogether spending another two and a half months on the field. Since I gave my life to Jesus I’ve had a passion for the least reached nations, the Middle East and Central Asia. Combined with a dream to see human trafficking come to an end. The 10/40 window is where 96.6% of unreached people live yet only 3.4% of all missionaries are going there. I long to see people in these places hear the gospel and find true hope and freedom in Jesus. I’ve experienced so much joy and freedom in Jesus Christ and I want that for others too! I know I’m called to full-time missions and I’m so thankful that I have people in my life who support the call of God on my life. I’m currently looking for supporters to partner with me financially in my faith for the least reached and the least of these, the people suffering in injustices. Thank you! Angelina Payne Donate
- Jaqi Robson
MISSIONARY Jaqi Robson DONATE Hello! My name is Jaqi Robson and I've been in missions full time since 2020. In Circuit Riders, our mission is to Save the lost, Revive the saved, and Train them all. Circuit Riders travels worldwide to minister to college students and young adults, and to preach the gospel at every opportunity. What I do specifically in Circuit Riders focuses on the "train them all" portion. I'm a part of the media team, where our main focus is to provide bible-based training for believers all over the world in evangelism, personal growth in Jesus, and ways to live out their God-given calling. Practically, this looks like living in Huntington Beach, California (where Circuit Riders is based) and working from our offices with our media team. Although I don't travel as much as the traditional missionary, my reach is exponentially farther than when I led outreach teams in northern Europe. I believe that being a media missionary is vital to growing the church in the 21st century since most of the people we're trying to reach are online more than ever. If you join my team of supporters you are supporting: • Training content and online courses for believers around the world • The building of an online community centered around taking action for the Kingdom • The weekly preaching of the gospel through street evangelism and online posts • Preaching of the gospel and training young people across Northern Europe • Training a new generation of missionaries through Discipleship Training Schools in Huntington Beach and more! Whether the Lord is calling you to sow generously into my ministry now or not at this moment, thank you for your prayerful support! I know we can impact this and the next generation together and I am thankful for your support in doing it! Thanks, Jaqi Robson Donate
- Mylee Williams
Missionary Mylee Williams DONATE My name is Mylee Williams, and I am a long-term missionary passionate about making disciples of all nations, going to the most remote places on earth to bring the Gospel of Jesus to those who have never heard and bring the Word of God. I believe that God has called me to disciple nations by bringing the Word of God and teaching people to Abide in Him, fulfilling the Great Commission in Matthew 28. My journey began with a Discipleship Training School (DTS) in Kona, Hawaii, where I also served in the Democratic Republic of Congo, sharing the gospel in remote villages, distributing 300 bibles, and planted 7 house churches through helping them discover the Living Word. This experience deepened my calling to see nations transformed by the love and power of Jesus Christ. Currently, I am undergoing leadership training with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) and preparing to staff a DTS this year, where I will help train and lead young missionaries to do the same. YWAM is a global missions movement focused on knowing God and making Him known. Through training, evangelism, worship and prayer, YWAM equips people of all ages and backgrounds to share the love of Jesus in every corner of the world. One of YWAM’s schools, Fire and Fragrance, is a ministry passionate about combining worship, prayer, and evangelism to see spiritual revival and societal transformation. It’s a place where hearts are set ablaze with a love for Jesus and a vision to reach the lost. Being part of Fire and Fragrance has shaped my walk with God and strengthened my desire to bring the gospel to unreached places. Missions is not a solo endeavor—it’s a partnership. As I step into this next season of ministry, I need a team of prayer warriors and financial supporters who are just as invested in the mission as I am. Your prayers are the foundation of everything I do, breaking spiritual barriers and releasing God’s power in places of great need. Additionally, your financial support enables me to live out this calling full-time, cover basic needs, and help train and send others into the mission field. I invite you, and ask that you prayerfully consider to be a part of this journey with me. You’re not only sowing into the work of God but also becoming a part of the incredible testimonies of lives being changed. Together, we can make an eternal impact in places where hope has been lost and the gospel has yet to be heard. Whether through prayer, financial giving, or encouragement, your partnership is invaluable. Let’s join together in bringing transformation to the nations for God’s glory! Mylee Donate
- Zena Curtis
Missionary Zena Curtis DONATE Hello! My name is Zena! I am a full time Missionary from Grand Rapids, Michigan. When the Lord gave me a burning heart for a nation he gave me Norway. Through obedience and prayer He sent me to Norway! I have moved to Norway full time for missions work through YWAM. While in Norway, I will be planting seeds, plowing the soil, and seeing the great Commision go forth through YWAM Rogaland’s Media team. September 2nd, 2023 my life was changed forever as I was a security guard at The Send in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The Lord encountered me that night and changed my life forever. I gave up everything to follow Christ, from being set free completely from depression, anxiety, lustful actions & motivations, heavy drug & alcohol addiction, porn addiction, self hatred & self harm, fear of man, LGBTQ lifestyle, eating disorders, new age spirituality, Mormonism, and a party lifestyle. My life did a full 180° the day Jesus saved me. I ended up quitting my job, and selling all of my belongings to see the Gospel go forth as I joined a DTS (Discipleship Training School). Which was 6 months long. Now, as I am stepping into what the Lord has called me to, I am asking for your help in prayer and finances! Being in full time missions has been such a blessing and I would love for you to partner with me in any way you can. May we always stand in awe and reverence at our Lord Jesus. For he is mighty and king of our salvation! Matthew 28:16-20 Thank you for reading, and Blessings to you! Zena. Donate
- Addison Byrne
Missionary Addison Byrne DONATE Hi friends, it's Addie! Welcome to my donation site! I moved to Los Angeles California the summer of 2021 to be a missionary in the heart of the city. I want my generation to meet the man Jesus. How am I going about this? Currently my friends and I gather 70-100+ young adults in our living room every Sunday night to seek the face of Jesus. Many have been touched and transformed by this gathering, as we host a place for His presence to rest. We worship, share a message, preach the gospel, and go wherever the Holy Spirit takes the night. My team and I also go to college campuses and host ministry nights where we evangelize, preach the gospel, and fire up the Christians there. Our mission is to see L.A. saved through discipleship and evangelism. I’m seeing God heal and deliver, freedom is falling, and many are coming home to Him. People are hearing the gospel for the first time and meeting Jesus. I get to watch their lives completely change right in front of me. My whole goal here is for others to meet Jesus and, man oh man, are people hungry for Him! “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?” Romans 10:14. I want to be the hands and feet of Jesus in this city and see His Kingdom advance. Without your help I would not be able to do what I’m doing. Join me on this journey of Jesus transforming lives. I would love it if you would prayerfully consider sowing into my life! It is an honor to serve Him. May the Lamb receive the reward of His sufferings. Maranatha, come Lord Jesus! Thank you so much for your generosity, blessings, Addie Mae Donate
- Hannah K
Missionary Hannah K DONATE Hi Friends, My name is Hannah! I am from the West Michigan area originally and for the past 8 years I have had the joy and privilege of serving God in Southeast Asia. I have been working with the Church Multiplication Coalition to see the Church equipped and unified to share the love of Jesus and plant churches in unchurched communities! Having spent much time and getting trained up in the beautiful Philippines, I am so thankful to be launched into nations of SE Asia that are more closed to the Gospel. There is much work to be done here and the Lord is doing beautiful things as His people faithfully share His love. In these places the Church is the minority with only about 2% of the population following Christ and most people having never even heard the name of Jesus. Thanks to your partnership in prayer and giving, I am able to serve alongside the local leaders in SE Asia to see the whole body of Christ walking in confidence in their identity in Christ and faithfully sharing His goodness with those who are far from God. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support! Hannah Donate