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  • Paul Tamang

    Missionary Paul Tamang DONATE Hey! My name is Paul Tamang! I’m from Kathmandu, Nepal and I am a full-time missionary with YWAM (Youth With A Mission). I want to see transformation in people’s lives and in my life. I am with YWAM and our main value is to love and know God, to make Him known and bringing Kingdom culture wherever I go. I am currently planted in Pokhara and it’s my desire to serve God and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ in the Himalayas as well as the 10/40 Window which include other nations with different ethnic groups, cultures and unreached people. As part of knowing and loving God and making Him known wherever I am, some ministries I am part of and lead out includes: Evangelist Youth and Making videos to spread gospel, Mountains and Village Ministry, Hosting and leading young people in different unreached places and Discipleship! As I continue this journey with God and proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I’m looking for those who would partner and invest in the Kingdom of God through my life. I am currently building a team of supporters for monthly donations, which will allow me to fully serve in what God is doing through me in the nations. My currently fundraising goal for monthly income is $1000. Would you prayerfully consider being a monthly investor? Thank you for believing in me and what the Lord is doing through my life and the opportunity the Lord has given me to pursue His Kingdom and His people! Please join me and we can see the nations transformed by the power and love of Jesus Christ together! “Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “HERE I AM LORD. SEND ME.” (Isaiah 6:8). Paul Donate

  • Sophia Maddox

    MISSIONARY Sophia Maddox DONATE Hi, I’m Sophia! I am a missionary with the Circuit Riders in Kona, HI. Our ministry’s vision is to save the lost, revive the saved, and train them all to live a lifestyle of missions. This summer, the Circuit Riders will host a ten-day high school summer camp in three cities across America where over 300 students will come to learn how to infuse their relationships with Jesus into every aspect of their lives, from sports to music to friends at school. At this camp, called Infusion, I will be leading a small group of girls and mentoring them through their time of encounter, growth, and freedom. Join me in seeing students’ hearts get ignited for Jesus just as His heart burns for them! If you would like to know more, feel free to contact me at +1(949) 887-1262 or Donate

  • Geanina Tintesan

    Missionary Geanina Tintesan DONATE I am in full-time ministry in Cluj-Napoca, Romania! In 2019, God spoke to me about being a prophetic artist. I began painting and creating, and saw God begin to bring freedom, deliverance, joy, healing and peace to people who received my art. This stirred my heart for more of what God had for me in this ministry! God has given me a vision of pioneering a movement of revival through art and creativity to see people encounter God’s healing and freedom, and to see people equipped and trained in how to create with God to see heaven come to earth! As I am growing my personal ministry, I also have the privilege of serving with Arise Global - a ministry focused on equipping and strengthening the global body of Christ and on raising up a new wave of missionaries strengthened to bring the Kingdom around the world. We do this through a hybrid - online and in person, school we began in 2021, called Kingdom Culture and Personal Revival. In this school, I serve as an administrator on the Romanian side and as a leader, discipling and leading people all over Romania and in a closed country in East Asia, into freedom and revival. Our heart is to see believers awakened to their true identity as beloved sons and daughters who are empowered to be victorious in their own walks with Christ, and empowered to bring the Kingdom and transformation to their spheres of influence. We see our students encounter Jesus and be set free, healed, revived, and commissioned to go and bring the Kingdom of God everywhere they go! We are also focused on pouring into the lives of missionaries across the world through weekly online prayer/encouragement ministry sessions and in-person renewal retreats! As a staff member with Arise Global, we are responsible to build a team of financial supporters to partner with us in this ministry and I’m excited to bring a team of people with me to do this! I would be honored if you would prayerfully consider partnering with me to see the nations encounter Jesus and be completely transformed through the school and my painting ministry! May Jesus receive the reward of everything He died and rose for! Geanina Donate

  • Addison Powers

    Missionary Addison Powers DONATE Hi, I'm Addison! I'm moving all the way from Georgia to Huntington Beach, California to be a full-time missionary with YWAM (Youth With a Mission) Circuit Riders. Jesus completely changed my life in October of 2020, setting me free and saving me. I long for others to experience this same life-changing power that is only found in the person of Jesus. What is Circuit Riders? Circuit Riders is a YWAM mission and training community that launches movements to reach the next generation. Our passion is Jesus, our mission field is our generation and our opportunity is now. It is the heart of Circuit Riders to save the lost, revive the saved, and train them all. We look around and see so many people who are hurting and broken, without hope, searching for meaning in all the wrong places. Our goal is to meet these people with the love of Jesus and to see a generation healed, set free, and given hope. Will you consider partnering with me? As I follow God's lead and step into full-time missions, I ask that you partner with me in prayer as I go on this journey, that God, the Provider, would provide my daily needs. I also ask that you would prayerfully consider becoming a monthly investor in this mission, and financially partnering with me as I serve the Lord in a full-time capacity! Let's see the world turned upside down with the Gospel, and a generation captivated with the love of Jesus. Romans 10:14-15 'How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”' Addison Donate

  • Madison Kramer

    Missionary Madison Kramer DONATE Hi, Im Maddie and I am a full-time missionary in the South Pacific islands, in the city of Kona on the island of Hawaii. I work with YWAM or Youth with A Mission. This is a non-profit organization who’s heart is to know God and make God known. We want to see a generation in love with Jesus. I am currently entering into year three of full-time ministry. I work heavily in both the community and in the church showing Gods love. I am both a preschool teacher and also a youth leader. I am so expectant for what God is going to do in these next years following stepping into bigger rolls! Would you prayerfully consider partnering with me financially? Maddie Donate

  • Philippe Manzano

    Bible Translator Philippe Manzano DONATE Team AlephOmegaBible AlephOmegaBible members: Kevin (Bible Hebrew scholar, US), Sheila (Bible Greek scholar, US), Steve (YWAM, US), and Philippe (FR) are serving our Lord Jesus-Christ in Montpellier, south of France. For French pastors, missionaries, Christians, and Cartesian people, AlephOmegaBible translated the New Testament (7957 verses) in a 2 year period, to offer the first FREE interlinear NT to be available in every French speaking country all over the world (29 countries, 441 million people, and NO free interlinear Bible yet). As its name implies, we also started to translate the Old Testament, aligning Hebrew, Greek from the Septuagint, and French, word by word, with grammatical function and Strong numbers of each word. AlephOmegaBible also makes content about the Bible, and online services (web apps, biblical games, ...), and training about its translation tool, to help spread the Gospel, in English, French, and other languages. At AOB, we rely on the generous individuals like you to sustain our ministry, and your financial contributions are vital. Your gifts are not just tax-deductible but also an investment in spreading His love and grace, a tangible way to walk hand in hand with us in spreading God's love. Your support, whether through prayer or financial assistance, in integral to our mission. While donations are needed, so is prayer. We would love to join hearts and join hands in our work and vision. "Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds" Hebrews 10:24 Your partnership can make a profound impact. Do you want to become part of our family? For more information look at our website Donate

  • Juan Diaz

    Missionary Juan Diaz DONATE Dear Friend, If you are receiving this, it is because I wanted to take the time to share with you that am moving to Japan as a missionary and wanted to invite and give you the opportunity to partner with me in prayer and financial support. I have been in the workforce here in Orlando for roughly the past 10 years and now I feel a strong call to full time ministry. I have been part of this amazing local church for around five years and the pastor is at peace with me departing to serve to Lord in Japan. My church is called Mosaic, located in Winter Garden and my Pastors name is Danny Conner. They have various ministries but have a very beautiful ministry that helps families adopt children. I will be heading to YWAM Oita. My brother Jose and Margan have been with YWAM for a few years now. They were in YWAM for 3 years and now they are pioneering a base in Oita Prefecture. Oita is a smaller city compared to Tokyo but rich in Christian history from before the great persecution. The team there is amazing and are working in various ways to bring the gospel there through partnering with the local church, through art and street evangelism, through various culture celebration gatherings, and through an academy they have opened. At the base I will help staff DTS's. Which are short term training and equipping schools for young people with a 2-month outreach in the end. I will also help with the social media department as well as teach weekly art classes at an academy they have just started for Elementary to Middle school students. I ask that you pray and ask the Lord if He would lead you in supporting me financially. Thank you so much! Juan Donate

  • Madison Javeri

    Missionary Madison Javeri DONATE Hi! I'm Madison Marygold and will be moving to Huntington Beach, California with Circuit Riders Media House as a full time missionary this January. Circuit Riders is a YWAM missions community dedicated to reaching young people and spreading the love of Jesus. Their mission is to save the lost, revive the saved and train them all. As part of their media team, we get to serve & reach our generation with the love of Jesus through media projects for many different Circuit Riders movements and evangelism in Huntington Beach. Simply put, we get to create content that will magnify the gospel for our generation. The Lord has placed a burning passion in my heart for high school students to have freedom in Christ and to reach this generation through media and is now asking me to take practical steps to be a part of sharing His gospel this way! Now I get to invite YOU into this! I'd love to invite you into partnering with me in prayer and finances as I'm in this season of full time missions. If you'd like to hear more about Circuit Riders, what the Lord's doing in my life or how you can be a part, please reach out to me! With love, Madison Marygold <3 Donate

  • Matthew Atterson

    Missionary Matthew Atterson DONATE Hello! Thank you for clicking on my letter! Before you leave this site, know that God loves you and desires to move in your life through His son Jesus. You are dear to Him. Through extraordinary adventures, God has led me all over the world. From the underground church in Arabia to the open worship in Brazil, I have seen many miracles. Each of these places has one thing in common, Muslims. Countless men and women who desperately need the message that the King of kings has come to reign and set them free! In this season, I feel God lead me to pursue a Master's of Intercultural Studies with an Islamic concentration this May. To fulfill this calling, I am looking for suitable transportation to attend school and outreach to the local mosques. I am also looking for monthly supporters to help pay for school and partner for future ministry. My dream is to make a way for more missionaries to reach the Muslims for Jesus. With your help, I can get there! The Lord has shown me favor, and I have sat in the presence of millionaires. However, I have decided to surrender and give my life to the advancement of God's kingdom to the never-reached people of the world. Would you consider partnering with me in what God is doing? May God Bless You and Keep You! In His Service, Matthew Donate

  • Derion Ward

    Missionary Derion Ward DONATE Hello! My name is Derion Ward, a servant of Jesus Christ! What is love? When I was 15 years old, I had the honor of meeting Love in a dream. Through a near death experience, I met the one who knows me, smiles when He sees me and truly loves me. Love is more than a what. Love is my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 13:4-8). I have been called by the Lord to gather His sheep in the harvest. I am honored God has called me to fulfill His plan by joining an organization called Circuit Riders. Circuit Riders is a YWAM (Youth With A Mission) mission and training community that launches movements to reach the next generation. Their mission statement is "Save the Lost. Revive the Saved. Train them All." I have been marked with an abundance of zeal to lead people into the presence of the Lord. That others may come to know who Love is as I have. I have been involved with several events that Circuit Riders has hosted. The first event I went to was known as 21 project. This was a 2 week evangelism training program that shifted my perspective on what living out your faith means. I witnessed salvation, deliverance, discipleship, and God's love for every nation. It isn't about skin but sin. The veil is torn but many don't know that Love has been knocking at their door. Silence isn't an option. I will share of the goodness of God. For 6 months, I am partnering with Circuit Riders in reaching others with the gospel. I will be equipped and sent out to live out what Jesus has called me to do (Matthew 28:16-20). I humbly ask that you would first pray for unbelievers to know Jesus, for believers to stay in Jesus love, and for me. I accept with joy any gift that has been placed on your heart. I pray the Lord doubles your portion in all of your life. Thank you for supporting me and believing in what Jesus is doing through me. Remember, our first love isn't with a spouse. Jesus death, burial, and resurrection was his proposal to you. The moment that one repents is the day they say I do. I will be praying for you! God bless, Derion Ward Donate

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