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Derion Ward

Derion Ward


Hello! My name is Derion Ward, a servant of Jesus Christ!

What is love? When I was 15 years old, I had the honor of meeting Love in a dream. Through a near death experience, I met the one who knows me, smiles when He sees me and truly loves me. Love is more than a what. Love is my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 13:4-8). I have been called by the Lord to gather His sheep in the harvest. 

I am honored God has called me to fulfill His plan by joining an organization called Circuit Riders. Circuit Riders is a YWAM (Youth With A Mission) mission and training community that launches movements to reach the next generation. Their mission statement is "Save the Lost. Revive the Saved. Train them All."

I have been marked with an abundance of zeal to lead people into the presence of the Lord. That others may come to know who Love is as I have. I have been involved with several events that Circuit Riders has hosted. The first event I went to was known as 21 project. This was a 2 week evangelism training program that shifted my perspective on what living out your faith means. I witnessed salvation, deliverance, discipleship, and God's love for every nation. It isn't about skin but sin. The veil is torn but many don't know that Love has been knocking at their door. Silence isn't an option. I will share of the goodness of God. 

For 6 months, I am partnering with Circuit Riders in reaching others with the gospel. I will be equipped and sent out to live out what Jesus has called me to do (Matthew 28:16-20).

I humbly ask that you would first pray for unbelievers to know Jesus, for believers to stay in Jesus love, and for me. I accept with joy any gift that has been placed on your heart. I pray the Lord doubles your portion in all of your life. Thank you for supporting me and believing in what Jesus is doing through me. 

Remember, our first love isn't with a spouse. Jesus death, burial, and resurrection was his proposal to you. The moment that one repents is the day they say I do. I will be praying for you!

God bless, 

Derion Ward


EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











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