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  • Silia Matelau

    Missionary Silia Matelau DONATE Hi my name is Silia Matelau and I'm serving in a ministry with YWAM called Island Breeze. Island breeze uses songs, dances, and chants of the Pacific and other nations to Introduce people to the creator. We do presentations in seminars, workshops, School assemblies, church services, Community functions, festivals, retirement homes, and corporate settings. Our desire is to see cultures represented with dignity, authenticity, and purpose. = I've had the honor to serve the Lord in this ministry and excited to see what he has in store for each new year. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with me in prayer and financially to continue this journey the Lord's bringing us on? Thank you, Silia Matelau Donate

  • Jaedon Landers

    Missionary Jaedon Landers DONATE Hello! My name is Jaedon. My wife, daughter and I are missionaries with a heart for the lost. We believe that everyone should have a Bible in their native language! We are currently doing a leadership training course through YWAM. Learning how to lead young men and women to the most extreme places. The Landers Family Donate

  • Jillian Fogel

    Missionary Jillian Fogel DONATE Hi Everyone! My name is Jillian Fogel, I have been serving with an organization called YWAM - Youth With A Mission - as a full-time missionary since fall of 2020 after completing their discipleship training program earlier that year. YWAM is a missions organization focused on raising up young people to know God and make Him known. I was one of those young people who was championed and encouraged to follow the missional calling God placed on my life and now I am incredibly passionate about seeing others rise up and step into what God has for them! Last year I went to Taiwan to complete a 9-month Bible School and during that time felt an invitation from the Lord to partner with what He is doing in this beautiful nation. I am currently committed to serving for the next two years in Tamsui, Taiwan. The first three months I am committed to help staff a bilingual discipleship bible school; I’m super excited to see students grow in their understanding and love for the word of God. As I continue my time in the nation I will be connecting with local churches, ministries, and doing language learning in order to more effectively build relationship and serve. I am super excited for these next 2 years! My goal is to raise $1500 USD in monthly support to cover: • Rent/utilities • Groceries/food • Transportation (in country/flights) • Giving! (tithes/offerings) • Emergency savings I would be so blessed if you would pray about joining my team as a monthly supporter or giving a one-time donation. All donations are such a blessing, used for the advancement of His Kingdom! “And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20 ESV “ In the same way, the Lord commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel.” 1 Corinthians 9:14 ESV Thank you all for your prayers and support! Please reach out if you have any questions: Jillian Donate

  • Davae McMillion

    Missionary Davae McMillion DONATE What's up family! I’m Davae McMillion and I am a full time missionary with Circuit Riders and Iris Global doing work between Huntington Beach, CA and Johannesburg, South Africa. At the beginning of last year I had an encounter with God by His Holy Spirit that deeply changed my life. I went from such a deep depression and brokenness to freedom and a burning desire to know the Man I just met (Jesus). After that moment I asked myself the question every young person asks themselves… “what do I do with my life?” After seeking Jesus, the Lord called me to do full time ministry; specifically reaching broken college students, caring for orphans caught in the foster care system or trafficking. To some this may seem scary, but knowing what God is doing in America and South Africa, through revival, it is an honor to be chosen by the Lord for a mission such as this. I long for my generation to know the power and name of Jesus; for every man, every woman, and every child to know and encounter the power of the Gospel. When moving into full-time missions, I joined a Discipleship Training School in California and currently am on a tour of the south-eastern states of America as a co-leader on our worship team. I’m sharing the gospel, worshipping, and evangelizing at the “Carry the Love” tour stops. Along with this, I have done ministry in South Africa in churches and at events sharing my testimony and walking with others on their journey in healing. I can’t wait to do more ministry with Iris Global in Johannesburg over the summer of 2025. It is by your obedience to the Lord that I am able to continue to faithfully serve the Lord daily in missions and ministry. I hope and pray to do missions and ministry for the rest of my life. Out of faith I have been praying for the Lord to bring people from around the world to partner with me and invest in the move of God that’s happening in campuses in America and children in South Africa. The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few (Luke 10), and the Lord has chosen me (and you <3) for a time such as this to see the harvest ripen. I would love to invite you to join as a monthly partner and sow into what the Lord is doing through me for the lost and hurting. Whether it’s big or small, your obedience to the Lord on what to give is what means the most. While monthly partners are what’s needed most right now, one time donations are also such a wonderful blessing! Prayer can move mountains so please pray for us! Pray for my crew, me, campuses in America, our missions school in South Africa, and for these nations to be shifted by a move of God. Donations through Equipnet are TAX DEDUCTIBLE. Thank you guys for praying and considering to partner with me. I can’t wait to update you on all the crazy ways the Lord has moved due to your faithfulness to the Lord and believing in the mission He has laid on my heart. Davae <3 Donate

  • Mary Riegietsyi

    Missionary Mary Riegietsyi DONATE Hello everyone! My name is Mariia, and I’m from Ukraine. I’ve been living outside of my home country for the past three years, but I continue to serve through my musical and prophetic ministry. I play the flute, piano and sing. The Lord brought me to America, where I’m expanding His Kingdom through prophetic worship, singing in tongues, interpretation, prophecy, and music. I also teach others how to move in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Since arriving in America, my ministry has grown and now occupies much of my time. I help raise up worship teams, lead prayer services, conduct worship sessions, and participate as a musician. The Lord has called me to Nashville with Prayer House to deepen my relationship with Him and serve with the gifts He has given me. I need $1,500 per month for: • Giving (tithes, offering, and generosity) • Housing/rent • Food (groceries, eating out, etc.) • Transportation (car and flights) • Self-care • Savings! If you feel led to commit to being a monthly supporter or give a one-time donation, please pray about an amount, and you can give here. Your support means the world to me. Through your prayer and support, you are with me on this journey! Mariia Donate

  • Courtney Caldwell

    Missionary Courtney Caldwell DONATE ¡Hola! I’m Courtney Caldwell, a full time missionary with REAP in Granada, Nicaragua. God called me to Nicaragua in September 2018 when a fellow student at the Iris Leaders School in San Luis Obispo, CA shared about the ministry that she and her husband started there in 2012 (I’d be happy to share more details about that story, just ask!). Since then, God has commissioned me to go and joyfully serve the ministry of REAP full-time for at least 2024 and 2025. REAP is a dynamic ministry that I had the honor of first visiting for a couple of weeks at the beginning of 2022. The senior leaders, Scott and Jennifer Esposito, have a 70 acre farm called Campo de Cosecha (Harvest Field) that is about a 15 minute drive from the center of Granada. From this home base for the ministry, REAP houses a multi-purpose pavilion for events, teaching and worship; sports fields and a basketball court; dorm space for 150 people; a kitchen to serve meals to staff and guests; and a farm that bears both fruit and opportunity! Check out the website here for more information: I made the big move to Granada in November 2023. Serving here has been an absolute privilege ever since I landed. At REAP, I fulfill a multi-faceted role encompassing behind-the-scenes administrative support, management of the Prayer Room, co-leadership of bible studies, assistance to short-term missions teams, and facilitation in trauma healing initiatives. It is an honor to work alongside the incredible individuals who make up our Nicaraguan and American ministry team. God has been so faithful on this journey! The opportunity to co-labor together in this mission with you is so exciting! Would you prayerfully consider partnering with me in prayer and financially to see Granada transformed by the love of Jesus? The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. - John 1:5 With heaps of love and gratitude, Courtney Donate

  • Natalia Gorodyuk

    Missionary Natalia Gorodyuk DONATE Two years ago, God called me to Kenya, and those three months were transformative beyond words. I witnessed firsthand God’s power and love moving in life-changing ways among the people there. It was an experience that ignited a fire in my heart—a passion to serve and make a tangible difference in the lives of those in need. Since then, I've embarked on mission trips to two countries in Central Asia, where we encountered challenges such as hiding Bibles and destroying evidence of Christian work, followed by visits to three countries across Europe. In each place, God opened my eyes to the diverse needs of different communities and connected me with people whose lives have left an indelible mark on my own. These experiences have been instrumental in shaping my understanding of the calling God has placed on my life. Most recently, I volunteered in Ukraine alongside a brave team for three months, working with traumatized kids and helping organize different projects for those in need! The experience in Ukraine was deeply impactful, further solidifying my commitment to serve and minister to those in need! Having completed an intensive Bible school, I now feel more equipped spiritually and practically to fulfill God’s purpose for my life. This foundation enables me to effectively minister to those in need, especially people that are vulnerable or living in impoverished areas. Now, my mission is to help those in need anywhere I am, and currently, that is in Washington. I am hoping to help start a weekly project in Federal Way, working with low-income apartment complexes. My time will be spent hosting worship nights, growing my knowledge in the Bible, and continuing to deepen my understanding of theology as I grow in missions. My long-term goal is to build up a missions team that will work closely together, reaching specifically unreached destinations in the world that might be hard to access or have a prevalent need. I aim to partner with ministries like End Bible Poverty to bring the Bible to places where it is not yet available, funding projects, and meeting the basic needs of people while sharing the Gospel. Additionally, I will be picking up jobs when I have time between ministry and serving. If someone feels led to partner with my mission, I would be beyond thankful. This journey is not just about fulfilling a personal ambition but answering God’s call with obedience and wholehearted dedication. I am eager for what lies ahead, knowing that God’s provision and guidance will be with me every step of the way. If you feel led to support me through prayer or financial contributions, I want to invite you to do so with a one-time donation or by becoming a monthly partner using the form below. Blessings! Natalia Gorodyuk Donate

  • Esther Villalobos

    Missionary Esther Villalobos DONATE Hi, my name is Esther Villalobos and I'm getting ready to go to Nashville with Prayer house Ministries. In the next few months, I will join Prayer House Ministry as a staff member. I had the amazing opportunity to be a missionary with this ministry this past summer. I was so amazed by how much I saw God move and impact so many people. I am so grateful to have this opportunity to continue running with such an anointed group of people. The purpose of Prayer House Ministry is to edify the local church by building prayer rooms within cities and to see churches zealous for rightful prayer and worship. They exist to partner and uplift the local church, to live a life of worship, to pray without ceasing, and to pray the Will of God continually. I will be joining them as a full-time missionary for their next plant and need your support! My goal is to raise $4,000 a month to cover living expenses, gas, food, and other necessities I will need while on missions. We are on a mission to plant prayer rooms all across the country for people to know the power of prayer and to encounter the presence of God. Will you consider becoming a monthly supporter or consider giving a one time gift? Esther Donate

  • Alyssa Jensen

    Missionary Alyssa Jensen DONATE Hey everyone! My name is Alyssa Jensen and I am currently a missionary with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) in Kona, Hawaii. I'm a part of a community called Fire & Fragrance, which is focused on training and sending young people to the nations to share the Gospel. We want to develop young leaders that carry fire in their hearts for Jesus that becomes the fragrance of Christ to the lost. We long to know God and make Him known throughout the whole world. We believe Jesus is the desire of the nations and only He can bring light and restoration to the darkest places. My journey began a little over 2 years ago when I went to the Commission Youth Camp in Kona, Hawaii on a scholarship from one of my good friend Emily's passing. There I truly felt the presence of God and knew that I wanted to give my life to Jesus fully. I now knew that He was the greatest thing I could live for. I then felt the Lord calling me to do a DTS (Discipleship Training School) in January 2024. Here I learned so much including preaching, hearing Gods voice, presence centered living, how to disciple those around me, understanding Gods character, etc. This is where I gained a heart for the lost and knew that I was going to further my life in missions. I then went to Papua New Guinea for 3 months with a team of 12. Here I saw the power of God move like I had never seen. I saw the Lord heal the sick, bring peace to the broken hearted, blind eyes restored, deaf ears opened, and broken bones healed. I saw how much God can restore lives and bring purpose and fulfillment. Because I know the Lord and His heart for people, it has been one of the greatest joys of my life to follow what He has for me. I am currently in Kona, Hawaii on staff for the January-June, Fire & Fragrance Least Reached DTS after I had completed leadership track in Potchefstroom, South Africa. I've personally seen the power of the Gospel radically transform my life and set me free, and I believe God wants to do the same for all His children. With all of that being said, I would be so deeply honored if you would prayerfully consider partnering with me as I continue in missions this year. I am looking to gain monthly supporters that would help provide what I need to sustain this lifestyle. This money would go towards rent, food, plane tickets, personal needs, and other fees. Thank you for your consideration! :) Much love, Alyssa! Donate

  • Irene De Jager

    Missionary Irene De Jager DONATE Hey friends! I am Irene de Jager and I am going into missions!! I never knew what I wanted to do with my life, until I met God! He changed my life completely and since then all I wanted to do was give everything to Him! I was never familiar with missions or any of that until God decided to move me and my family to a city where a Fire and Fragrance base was located. We moved not knowing how our lives were going to change. Throughout the year we were there, God changed my life even more and I met Him on a deeper level than than I ever had. He started giving me a heart for His people, a heart for missions. So in saying that, God laid on my heart to do DTS and to go into missions, so that is what I decided to do. Now I am going to do my DTS with Fire and Fragrance South Africa, because after everything God has done in me, He deserves nothing less from me than to lay my life down! I am currently trusting God for the finances for my DTS which is $5000 and for monthly supporters to cover my medical aid, car expenses, etc. I am really excited to see what God is going to do and I also want you to intercede for the nations, because God is really busy moving everywhere and I am so excited to be a part of His plan! Irene Donate


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