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  • Max

    Max DONATE Thank you so much for your support! Seriously could not be going to these places or doing what I’m doing without your support and prayers! Options to give are below! Donate

  • Tyler and Avery Miller

    Missionary Tyler and Avery Miller DONATE Tyler and Avery are passionate missionaries dedicated to discipleship and raising up the next generation of believers. After serving in Guinea-Bissau, they are continuing their journey by attending a School of Biblical Studies, deepening their understanding of Scripture to equip others more effectively. Their heart is to see lives transformed through intentional discipleship, biblical teaching, and a strong foundation in God’s Word. As they move forward in ministry, their focus remains on empowering and training the next generation to know, love, and follow Jesus wholeheartedly. Donate

  • Sophia Zapata

    Missionary Sophia Zapata DONATE Hey, my name is Sophia Zapata and i'm currently staffing Fire and Fragrance Least Reached DTS in Kona, Hawaii. \ My life has never been the same since I encountered Jesus in a dream. I have been called into missions and even though I used to say it's something I would never do, I am so in love with Jesus and I can't see myself doing anything other than missions in some capacity for the rest of my life. I felt called to staff DTS during my DTS in January of 2024 and am so passionate about youth encountering the life changing, extravagant love of Jesus. I have a heart for the least reached nations and I can't wait to lead my first team to Madagascar! We will do kids ministry and get medical training so we can offer what the Malagasy people need most: healthcare and the love of Jesus. We also may do helicopter ministry to reach the most unreached villages of Madagascar. It's all in the Lord's hands. Please pray about partnering with me financially. I need about $2500 dollars a month minimum to cover: • Travel (flights) • Housing • Food • Transportation • Insurance • And other essentials. Sophia Donate

  • Hannah Sellars

    Missionary Hannah Sellars DONATE Thank you for taking the time to read and consider how you can be part of this Kingdom work. Hannah is a full-time missionary with Youth With A Mission. From a young age, she felt God’s call to missions, and as she pursued Him, she learned that true discipleship means listening to His voice and walking in obedience. She has wholeheartedly committed her life to equipping the Bride of Christ, empowering believers to walk in freedom, purpose, and deeper intimacy with God. In 2025, Hannah joined YWAM Activate in Louisiana to help bridge the local church with YWAM’s global mission—training and equipping a generation to fulfill the Great Commission. Her passion is to provide believers with the tools they need to grow in their faith and boldly live out their calling. To continue this work, Hannah is building a team of faithful partners who will invest in the Kingdom through regular giving. Would you prayerfully consider joining her team as a monthly supporter or by giving a special gift? Your partnership makes a lasting impact in training and sending laborers into the harvest. Donate

  • Jaden Vroegop

    Missionary Jaden Vroegop DONATE Life looks a little different than it did when you first joined my team! Let’s get caught up! I graduated from Radiant School of Ministry and joined staff for a year. I felt the Lord asking me to step down. It was a very bittersweet decision and trusted God on what He had for me next! My fiancé Casey and I joined Mike and Leah Ureche for a training to reach Michigan State University. Now we know this is where we should be! They have spent the last few years planting grassroots missional movements among college students. They are the directors and founders of Cultivate Network! We felt peace to be under their organization until God tells us otherwise. Cultivate Network is a church planting community that plants simple churches in and around college towns and mobilizes laborers to and through the campus. What makes them distinct is that they aren’t just a ministry for college students, they are a missions community for college students to do ministry. (Eph. 4:12) They have a dream to see what happens in their home which will spread to more of the city, region, new campuses, and the world. Jesus told His followers, “Lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.” (John 4:35) We implore you, envision with us. What would it look if waves of equipped students flooded our cities? What if international students were not just welcomed in, but sent back home to plant churches and continue the Kingdom work? God is sending the nations here. The average university has over 100+ people groups from the nations on its campus. 80% of them have never been invited into an American home. We want to change that because they are right in our backyard. Casey and I have felt a burden for reaching and equipping international students, and we have been praying for someone to partner with that has the same vision. Our prayers have been answered with Cultivate Network! Our role is to focus on international students on MSU and WMU (any maybe more… stay tuned). Our dream is to love international students as Jesus would and equip them to see revival in their home countries. Which means expository Bible studies, inviting them to have dinner with us, and teaching them the foundations of starting house churches in their home countries. Our other role is still taking short term trips to see the great commission fulfilled. We want to be doing the work and seeing how pastors in the nations church plant, so that we can set our international friends set up for success once they are sent back to their home countries. There’s an ancient cry rumbling and an old movement awakening. It’s a movement bigger than any of us and one that will take all of us to complete. So we invite you. Join us and the Cultivate Network to see revival in the nations. Casey & Jaden Donate

  • Brandon Engebretsen

    Missionary Brandon Engebretsen DONATE Hello Family! This page will give you a small window into my ministry for the past 6 years, and what the Lord is leading into the coming seasons! WHAT HE HAS DONE: “SAVED AND SENT OUT” Since I was born-again and filled with the Holy Spirit when I was 17 years old; Jesus planted in me an in-satiable desire for Him. He met me, adopted me as His own, healed me, and gave me a burning heart of zeal to know Him and see His kingdom come from heaven to earth through my life. After high school I spent a year with Circuit Riders, where I did a Discipleship Training School in Huntington Beach, and then travelled all around the United States preaching the Gospel and seeing the lost sheep come to Jesus on college campuses. Vanguard University became my mission field after Circuit Riders. During my 4 years at Vanguard University, my heart was to see every student walk with Jesus intimately and for His kingdom to come on the campus. I was able to grow personally, while leading countless college students into relationship with Jesus; through small groups, Bible studies, countless nights of intercession and encounter, large gatherings, 24-hour prayer burns, and more! Hearts on Fire church was where the Lord called me after college. Sending me to the city of Covina to be the churches Missions Coordinator! I’ve spent the last year and a half leading local and global missions, as well as pioneering missions/ministry internships, 7-day revival experiences, going on ministry tours, and more than I can put on this page! WHAT HE IS DOING NOW: GLORY NIGHTS Glory Nights Mission: To see the Bride of Christ walk a lifestyle of prayer, evangelism, and the presence of God. Glory Nights is a ministry started in 2020 by close friends of mine, Daniel and Tayhara Rodriguez. After these friends moved to Florida to follow the call of God, I was asked to lead Glory Nights in the coming years! So I have been co-leading Glory Nights for almost 2 years now. While Glory Nights has been focused on worship, and the presence; we have begun to see countless people come in and give their lives to Jesus, get filled with the Holy Spirit, and experience God in a way that leaves them wanting nothing but Him in their lives! God has been POURING OUT His Spirit on this ministry; so in this coming year I will be going full time with the plans the Lord has for Glory Nights, alongside my AMAZING team, and my co-leader Chance Morton. Glory Nights will now be consisting of these Expressions: Worship and Prayer Equipping and Training Evangelism Activation Local Church Ministry Summer Ministry Tour International Missions Trips Week-Long Young Adults Camps A Discipleship Home in Huntington Beach Fundraising: In order to follow this call of God, I am raising $2400 in monthly support. Which covers basic living expenses and ministry expenses, required for this task God has called me to. One-Time Gifts that exceed my monthly need will be used for one of these things: Bibles and Journals for new believers Communion cups Discipleship materials Gas for ministry tour drivers Thank You! I am filled with radical faith for Jesus to move in Southern California, America, and the Globe! Thank you for desiring to partner with what God has called me to! Praying for The Holy Spirit of God to guide you, teach you, show you His way, and lead you to still waters. Love you, family! Brandon Donate

  • Cade Criddle

    Missionary Cade Criddle DONATE Hey Yall, it’s Cade! After years of deliberation, and the Lord confirming it over and over again, I’m finally taking a real step into obedience. Soon after the first time I really encountered the Lord, I met a missionary, and she said “you are called to the nations.” She didn’t have to tell me; I knew what I had experienced was for the whole world. Later I was at a ministry event and 5 different people came up to me said “ you’re called to the nations” again, I already knew. This happened over and over while I grew such a passion for people and the nations as a whole. I met many more missionaries got more prophetic words, more specific and directional. I took small steps with short term trips here and there, but nothing that required too much faith or obedience. An opportunity arose to step into a real ministry position and I thought, maybe this is it? The Lord said “No, I want you to go to YWAM.” And I didn’t understand, but said okay. I had visited the base a few years prior and had an application submitted, with no real intention to go. But when I visited for the 30 minutes to an hour I was there, I knew. It felt like home. It felt as if I should have known my way around, like I had been there 1000 times. But, I fought it, said it wasn’t logical and moved on. As arrival day approached, the reality of what I was committing to began to set in. It wasn’t till I bought my ticket a few weeks before that I was sure I was going to go. I’m currently at YWAM Kona with the Fire and Fragrance, Least Reached school. My school focuses on the least reached people groups in the world- Primarily in the 10/40 region of the world. People need the gospel, the real actionable, authentic gospel that is the message of life in Jesus. On this trip, that might mean going even deeper into a region that already is so unreached in mountainous Asia and (I’m hoping it will) trekking to remote villages that have no access to the gospel, or much of the outside world. If you want to partner in my going it would be so appreciated. There’s about $5000-$6000 that is needed for the 3 months over seas. That’s including: • Flights • Food • Housing • Travel within the country. I’d love to ask for your financial and prayerful support. If you want to commit to monthly giving or a one time gift, please pray about what that looks like and if you’re supposed to sow into this! “So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it. For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Instead of the thorn shall come up the cypress; instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle; and it shall make a name for the LORD, an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.” -Isaiah 55:11-13 If you have any questions, or encouragements, email me at The fact that you’re even reading this is so wild and any and all support is so appreciated. Love yall, Cade Donate

  • Gardeen Family

    Missionary Gardeen Family DONATE We are the Gardeen family. David, Linsey, Elias, Amos, and Lily. David & Linsey Gardeen are serving as missionaries in Kota Baru Padalarang, Indonesia. David is working with the youth of KBP from several schools through the ministries of PiCF (Padalarang International Christian Fellowship). Linsey is teaching 2nd grade at Bandung Intercultural Alliance School. Indonesia has about 277 million people, including around 130 unreached people groups. Only about 10-12% of the population would classify as Christian. Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world. However, there is currently an openness to the gospel not seen before, but no one knows how long it will last. The Holy Spirit is moving in the hearts of the people here. Christianity and the Kingdom of Christ is exploding in Indonesia. We are so privileged that God could use us in this context. Our desire is to be a blessing to the people of Indonesia, to our community, to our students, to our friends and to our church. If you have any questions or want to know more about our ministry, contact us at: We are able to serve in this much-needed capacity because of God's provision through your generosity! To donate by check, make checks payable to: Equipnet (NOTE: On the memo line of check, write: Equip 5398 , not our names). Mail checks to: Equipnet International, P.O. Box 860, Alamo, CA 94507 All donations are tax deductible for U.S. citizens. You will receive a tax receipt via e-mail for each donation. The Gardeen Family Donate

  • Mia Burkholder

    Missionary Mia Burkholder DONATE Hi guys, my name is Mia! I am fundraising for YWAM Kona, School of Fire and Fragrance starting October 1st. If you don’t know, YWAM is a disciple training school. I will live in Kona, Hawaii for 3 months, being trained to spread the good news. Then I will go to the nations for 3 months, sharing the gospel with people who’ve never heard of the living truth. I want to strengthen my faith and go to the nations to share the love of the Lord. I know the Lord has gifted me with people skills and just a desire to help! I plan to come back and put those gifts into practice and apply them to my future career. If you cannot donate, I just ask for prayer along this season and that the Lord would provide for me to go and take on the opportunity. Mia Matthew 28:19 says “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Donate

  • Patrick Spillane

    Missionary Patrick Spillane DONATE Hi all! I am Patrick Spillane, a full-time missionary and am currently serving the Youth With A Mission (YWAM) base in Kona, Hawaii! When I was 20 years old, I gave my life to Jesus and He changed everything. Since then, Jesus has called me to be a part of fulfilling His Great Commission “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). In Spring of 2023, I completed a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with Circuit Riders (another YWAM base) in California. During DTS, God called to commit to doing full time missions for some time and after I graduated with a degree in construction management in 2024, I knew it was time to step into this calling. God opened the door for me to serve the YWAM Kona base by practically using my construction skills to serve on the New Development Team and leading other men in what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. The men I am leading came to volunteer on the base and are often still trying to figure who God is to them. I have seen salvation and spiritual growth in these men’s lives. I am so excited to start my life as a missionary with YWAM and see what opportunities God presents me with through partnering with such a global and mission focused organization! During this time the best way you can support my ministry is through prayer! In addition, I am currently seeking $1,000 in monthly financial support. Would you prayerfully consider becoming a monthly supporter of me? One-time donations are also greatly appreciated. These donations provide the following things for me: • Food • Rent • Generosity towards the men I am leading and fellow - missionaries • Transportation to and from work • Savings Your prayer and generosity enable me to lay my life down for the work of God in this place and I am asking if you would partner with me on this journey of serving God and His people! “In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel.” - 1 Corinthians 9:14 Patrick Donate


EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.




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