Hello! I’m Sean, a missionary from Los Angeles California!
At 18 years old I met the Lord radically at a Discipleship Training School in YWAM Kona in the fall of 2022. My life was changed fundamentally forever and I knew that for the foreseeable future the Lord was calling me into ministry. Through this training school I was able to serve as a missionary in the Philippines for 3 months. During this time God truly marked me for the restoration of the family.
To be specific I realized the systematic destruction of the responsibility of fathers in today’s society. I had experienced this first hand being raised by a single mother and I realized that God was heartbroken over how many fatherless children were being raised up today. However immediately following my outreach, I didn’t know to the full extent what God’s calling was for my life.
This is when God called me back to YWAM Kona, this time to go to a 9 month “secondary” school for those who had already done a DTS (Discipleship Training School). This school, the Foundations of Revival and Reformation, is specially meant to equip young missionaries to become leaders and use their callings from God to further their ministry.
I finished the first three month section of "Rev n Ref" (Shorthand for the name of my school) and it’s been such a testament of what God is doing in my life and His goodness. I’ve truly been blessed, the curriculum was specifically designed this quarter to read the entire Bible and establish a biblical foundation for my ministry, which has been eye opening to say the least. Through this biblical curriculum I understand the importance of family and what God's intention was/is for the family unit and the roles of fathers. I actually have a foundational verse that he revealed to me in this time Malachi 4:6 - ”and he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse."
The second three month section of "Rev n Ref" was also amazing, the focus of this "quarter" was to give us as young christian leaders a framework for how God interacts with all of society not just ministry! This quarter included bringing in speakers from all over the world including chemical engineers from Stanford, political leaders, and successful entrepreneurs. We learned that God needs believers in all industries, even the ones we consider to be secular, especially the workplace. Specifically I learned that God granted us the autonomy to govern ourselves as part of His nature to give us free will. I realized that throughout my life God had called me into the area of criminal justice reform, politics, and social justice, He wanted me to learn how to implement biblical values into the authority that our government carries.
As for what I am doing right now, I am in the second month of my last three month section here in YWAM Kona. The theme of these three months is communication and apologetics, so far I have learned how to answer difficult questions that challenge my faith and effectively communicate logical answers for why I found my salvation in Jesus Christ and that God's love is the reason we exist. This quarter will continue to develop my communication skills and even help me use other platforms of communications including my social media to help institute Godly change.
In June, I am excited to share with y'all that I will be going to Paris, France as a part of an "outreach" team that has been formed by my school to practically apply the skills I have honed. As for now, I'm not completely sure what the details are, but as I receive them I would love to update you! I do know however that we will be serving as a part of YWAM Paris as they prepare for the upcoming Paris Olympics that will take place this Summer!
And as this pertains to y’all, I would love to give you guys the opportunity to pray to support me! First and foremost your guy's prayers and intercession are the most important things you could offer me. So please be praying for me as I finish this school and go on my 1 month outreach in Paris. As for those of you who feel prompted by the Lord to financially support me and my outreach, blessings to you!