Hi friends! My name is Jesse Gerth and I will be serving as a full-time missionary with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) in Kona, Hawaii.
I am a part of a collaborative non-profit missions school and organization called Fire and Fragrance empowered by Youth With A Mission. Our focus is worship, intercession to save the lost, revive the saved, training and feeding the fire that burns in them all. We want to inspire a generation to look like Jesus, and love like Jesus!
I attended their DTS (Discipleship Training School) in September 2023 where God marked me for The Great Commission and filled me with a burning passion to see luke-warm believers come to know the true love of Jesus.
I just returned from a 3 month outreach to the beautiful island of Papua New Guinea where my team and I saw thousands of lives changed, and experienced many miraculous works of the Father — furthering my desire for missions and my willingness to preach the Gospel. Witnessing how the Lord is moving in the nations has stirred my faith and birthed new passions in my heart; Missions, worship, preaching, and discipleship.
This Summer I will be returning to YWAM Kona where I will be trained in leadership, preparing to lead and disciple the next generation of burning ones.
As I am commissioned into this next season of my life, I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with me financially. I believe that the Lord has called me to be a messenger of the Gospel proclaiming the Good News, and as Paul says in 1 Corinthians 9:14:
“those who proclaim the Gospel are to get their living from the Gospel.” As Jesus commissioned His disciples out two by two, insisting that they do not bring normal necessities such as their bag and staff, He promises provision on the basis of faith, for “the worker is worthy of his support.” - Matthew 10:9-10
I believe with full faith that the Lord will provide through the generosity of His children. As I’m getting ready to follow Jesus into full time missions, I’m asking for your financial support, “Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account.“ (Philippians 4:17) Your support to me is an investment on your behalf, and as you give to me, there will be fruit and blessings delivered in your lives as well.
Thank you everyone in advance for your blessing of generosity in prayers and financial support. Whether it’s one time or a monthly partnership, all donations are greatly appreciated!
Christ be with you,
Jesse Gerth