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- Caroline Schmid
Missionary Caroline Schmid DONATE Hey friends! My name is Caroline, and I’m graduating from high school this spring! I am passionate about telling others about Jesus and learning more about how beautiful His everlasting love is. SO, I feel called by the Lord to spread the gospel through YWAM Kona! YWAM is a global movement of Christians dedicated to knowing God and making Him known. The school is split into two phases- Discipleship Training School (DTS) and outreach. They offer several opportunities for youth and adults to engage in various outreach and training programs. The total cost of both phases is $10,000. For my YWAM experience, I will be joining the Fire and Fragrance Youth Movement. In this school, we want to be sold out and fully surrender to Jesus. Prayer and worship is at the center of everything we do. Our mission is to send out young people with burning hearts, to the ends of the earth, carrying the love of Jesus. I cannot wait to see how the Lord will move! Now with this being said, this can’t be done without your support- whether this is prayer or donations. Would you consider partnering with me? Thank you so much for supporting me- I love you all! Caroline Donate
- Silva Family
Missionaries Silva Family DONATE Help Us Bring God’s Love to the World: We don’t receive a salary in YWAM. Instead, we trust God to provide through the generosity of His people—friends, family, and fellow believers who support both our ministry and personal needs. Because God has been so generous to us, we strive to live with the same generosity, giving our time and talents to serve Him without expecting payment. Before you donate, we want to invite you to pray about how much the Lord is leading you to give, and if He calls you to become a monthly partner with us. Thank you so much for your generous gift! We are deeply grateful for your support, and we want you to know that it’s not about the amount but the heart behind it. Your contribution means so much to us and plays a vital role in enabling us to continue the work God has called us to. Thank you for partnering with us in such a meaningful way—we are truly blessed by your kindness and faithfulness. Please email us if you have any questions or prayer requests: Silva Family (Thiago, Danielle & kids) Donate
- Team12
SEARCH THE MINISTRY DIRECTORY Ministry Organizations Directory (SORTED BY NAME ) Filter by name Donate Abba Donate AlephOmegaBible Donate Aroma Project Uganda Donate Bright Project Donate Equipnet Donate Giving Joyfully Donate Hands of Compassion Donate Home Base Salzburg Donate Action Uruma Donate Anti-Trafficking Bureau Donate Atini Brazil Donate Connect Africa Donate Frontier Alaska Missions Donate HHH Donate Hinoki Academy Donate Hope 2:7 Donate Afri-Mission Network Donate Arise Venture Donate Bravehearts Unlimited Donate Encounter Conference Donate Gawahi Mission Trust Donate HHH Team Donate His Pursuit: Journey of Experiencing God Donate House of Hope Orphans USA 1 2 3 1 ... 1 2 3 ... 3
- Encounter Conference
Encounter Conference Investing in the women of Kingdom Church Hungary Donate Thank you so much for your heart to sponsor a woman for our Encounter Conference in Hungary in October 2025. Your gift will enable one or more women to encounter God, find rest and be re-charged for a fruitful season of life and ministry in Hungary! If you are sponsoring a particular woman, please write her name in the comments. Otherwise, feel free to give whatever amount is in your heart to give and your gift will be used where it is most needed. Donate
- Truth Planters
Truth Planters Mission Organization Donate Planting the life transforming truth of Jesus Christ into the hearts of people everywhere; while equipping, encouraging and inspiring others to do the same. Started in 2021 by David and Hannah Steele, Truth Planters has a growing number of missionaries in the UK, Hungary, USA and India who are busy preaching the gospel, investing in the local church, ministering to the poor, creating new materials to reach people with the gospel and to equip and inspire the wider Body of Christ, as well as raising up and mentoring new missionaries. Matthew 9:37-38 - Then he (Jesus) said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Please consider supporting us financially and with your prayers so that we will be able to raise up more workers in God's harvest field and reach more people with the love and truth of Jesus Christ. You may also give by check, if you like. Please make checks payable to "EquipNet" and make sure you include my account Equip3794 in the Memo Section on the face of your check. Please mail to: EquipNet, P.O. Box 860 Alamo, CA 94507 Donate
- Sam Kooima
Missionary Sam Kooima DONATE Hello friends! My name is Samuel Kooima, and I am a Discipleship Training School (DTS) student with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) in Salem, OR. From a young age, I felt called to ministry and have followed the Lord into the mission field since graduating high school in 2024. Through my Discipleship Training School, I’ve encountered God’s love like never before, deepening my understanding of who He is and His will for my life. This has ignited a passion in me to answer His call and share the good news with everyone around me! I have spent the outreach portion of my school in Japan and God has broken my heart for the Japanese people. Only 1% of the Japanese population is Christian, and of that 1%, just 0.25% attend church. Additionally, it's estimated that about 95% of the population has never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. In a country where mental health challenges are prevalent, Japan has averaged about 21,000 suicides annually over the past decade. Being in Japan, God has shown me that behind every statistic is a person—each facing their own battles, longing for hope and healing. Jesus has hope and freedom for the people of Japan. JESUS LOVES JAPAN! But how will they know if nobody tells them? That is why I’m returning to Japan on Feb. 22 to serve on staff with YWAM Yokohama for their 6-month DTS starting March 3. In this role, I’ll help equip and encourage students to deepen their relationship with God, grow in community, and be rooted in His Word as they reach out to others. At the same time, I’ll continue ministering to the Japanese people by building relationships and sharing the love of Christ. Staffing is not a paid job, and I am currently in the process of raising $6,500 of support, or $1,350 of monthly support. This would fully cover Housing/rent, Food (groceries, eating out, etc.), Transportation (bus and flights), Self-care, and Giving (tithes, offering, and generosity) It is an honor to be able to be a part of YWAM Yokohama! I cannot express my thanks to God and to you who have supported me for making my dream of being a missionary real life! I would love to ask for you to partner with me through financial support and prayer! Sam Donate
- Helaina C
Missionary Helaina C DONATE Donate
- Brianna Arroyo
Missionary Brianna Arroyo DONATE Hi! My name is Bri and Jesus has completely transformed my life! I have truly been met with the love of God and the true power of the gospel! I have a heart to see those that are unreached with the gospel saved and met with the same love of God that changed my whole life and equip them to walk out in the identity God has created them to be! As Christians we are called to go out and reach people with the Gospel training and baptizing them!! [Matthew 28:19-20] By partnering with me financially, you're not just helping me fulfill my calling; you're actively playing a part in transforming lives. So many people are currently unreached by the Gospel and what the term "unreached" means is not that these people are hearing the gospel and rejecting it but it’s that they’ve never even had the chance to hear about the name of Jesus because no one around them knows about him! Without a step of action that means that these people will live and die without ever hearing the gospel! I'm so excited to have the opportunity to reach the unreached with the gospel! I will be serving in the nation of Taiwan by staffing a ministry called "Youth With A Mission". Here I will be helping teach in local churches and serve local pastors while also taking classes to learn the local's native language to be able to build relationships rooted and founded with the gospel! 90% of Taiwan does not follow Jesus or hasn't heard the gospel. I am so excited to devote time to this nation and really believe for God to transform and move in a mighty way. The harvest is plentiful where the Lord is!! [Matthew 9:37] I have surrendered and dedicated my life to sharing the Good News of Jesus and I would love it if you would join me in seeing how people's lives are transformed by this Good News. Help partner with me in teaching people about the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ! This isn't just about money. It's about the power of unity, the strength of community, and the impact we can create together as a church body. May the Lord bless you and keep you for your continuous generosity!! Bri Donate
- Libby Smith
MISSIONARY Libby Smith DONATE Hi, I'm Libby :) I have the honor of spreading the Gospel for a living with an organization called Circuit Riders. Circuit Riders is a Youth With A Mission training community that launches movements to reach the next generation. I am based out of Huntington Beach, California but spend half the year on the road. I have a God-given passion to equip and encourage the next generation to live set apart lives, committed to Christ, and walk out the complete fulfillment of the Gospel and identity in Jesus. All while helping young people discover and develop their own passions, callings, and gifting’s for the Great Commission. My passion is Jesus, the mission field is my entire generation and I believe our opportunity is right now. It is estimated that only 4% of our generation has a biblical worldview, which means that we live in a generation where most people do not truly know Jesus. I believe fully that the Lord’s heart is for redemption, reconciliation, and revival for our generation. As Paul wrote throughout His letters to the church, every part of the Body makes ministry possible. Prayer and monthly financial support are two areas of need during this full-time ministry season. There is nothing I’d rather be doing with my life than partnering with Jesus to see our nation and the world met by His love and freedom! I believe in this with all I’ve got and it’s my joy to invest in the revival of our generation. It is a dream to invite you on this journey with me. All My Love, Libby Donate
- Jacob Brookbank
Missionary Jacob Brookbank DONATE Jake Brookbank, originally from Akron, Ohio, has been serving as a full-time missionary since 2019. After three impactful years in Mexico, God led him to Brazil in 2023, where he now works closely with Zion Church and Dunamis Movement. Zion Church’s mission is to make disciples and develop leaders as a local church, while Dunamis Movement focuses on empowering the next generation through the Holy Spirit to bring about social transformation. Currently based in Recife, Brazil, Jake serves in VOX, the young adult ministry of Zion Church, which focuses on empowering and discipling individuals between the ages of 18 and 29. As the leader of operations, he works to strengthen church structures, facilitate ministry growth, and support the broader vision of establishing a thriving, Spirit-filled community in northeastern Brazil. Alongside this, Jake is helping pioneer 1Luv in English through Dunamis Movement, training and equipping high school students to be evangelists in their schools through the power of the Holy Spirit. To continue his ministry, Jake relies on the support of others. His practical needs include food, housing, and transportation, along with resources to invest in relationships and discipleship within the young adult and high school communities. More than financial support, he seeks prayer for divine wisdom in leadership, acceleration in ministry, and personal growth and favor. Jake’s heart is to see a generation of young Brazilians rise up with boldness, walking in their calling and transforming their world for Christ. Your partnership in prayer and support can help make this vision a reality. Donate