My name is Suraj Rana,
I am from the far west in Nepal and I am a full-time missionary with YWAM. I want to reach the unreached people in the hardest and darkest places on earth. My main goal and YWAM value #1 is to know God and make God known anywhere and everywhere.
During my time here with YWAM, I plan on doing treks into the remote and unreached villages of the Himalayan Mountains, where I will be preaching the gospel, distributing bibles to bibleless regions and seeing real Jesus revelation and transformation in the lost people of the nations.
As I continue this journey in missions, I'm looking for those who would partner and invest in the Kingdom of God through my life. I am looking for those who would partner with me in giving $5,000 a month, which will allow me to fully serve in what God is doing in the nations.
Would you prayerfully consider joining me in my journey, or contributing a one-time gift?