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Zion Himeno

Zion Himeno


I am the only Japanese national who is studying at New Hope Christian College. The Christian population in my home country, Japan, is 1%, and it is said that the church-going Christians are less than 0.2 %. Although I grew up as a non-Christian in such a country until I was 11, I got baptized with my mother and started to live my life as a Christian. In junior high school, I began to think that “I want to change Japan!” and I wanted to do that by becoming a prime minister.

However, God’s plan was different. God called me to be a pastor to raise disciples of Christ. Even after 2,000 years, the gospel continues to spread all over the world. This is because Christ raised disciples!! In the same way, He commands us to “make disciples!”

Why is the Japanese Christian population still 1% even though Christianity has spread all over the world!? I consider the big reason of this is due to Japanese being focused on Japanese culture and national character such as being an ‘Education-conscious society’, ‘scientism’, ‘feudalism’, and ‘economic supremacy’. As a result, there are not enough disciples and leaders who can raise disciples. Then, what is a disciple? “Disciples are those who deny themselves, and take up their cross daily, and follow Jesus Christ (see. Luke 9:23)”

This is what disciples of Christ are, and it is my “calling” to raise such disciples!!

In order to accomplish my calling, “to raise the disciples of Christ,” I need to first become a faithful disciple of Christ and learn to become a leader. I believe that is why God led me to NHCC. Pastor Wayne, our principal and founder of New Hope in Hawaii, helped plant over 124 churches around the world, and churches in Hawaii, California, Washington, and Nevada in the US. In addition, he has been raising many disciples and leaders.

Moreover, the purpose of NHCC is “to produce exemplary disciples who can lead with Biblical character.” It has been 4 months since I entered NHCC, but I have already learned the importance of choosing to walk with God no matter what happens to my life or how much mistakes I make. And I have received abundant blessings and grace from God in such a short period of time.

However, I still have a lot more to learn here to become an exemplary disciple who can lead people. I have been praying for the finances for me to continue learning at NHCC. Thankfully, I have received $6,250 of financial aid from 5 different scholarships for my 2019 spring semester!

I still need $4,442.50 for tuition, fees, and living expenses by May, and part of it, $1,500, is required by February 11th. It is very challenging, yet I will keep praying and believing that God will open the door if it is His will!! Please pray for me that God will grant my wish and answer my prayer!

Thank you very much for all of your prayers and support. If you feel led to support me financially in God’s call, I would be so grateful!

Matthew 28:19-20 NIV

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

I will make this my life verse. Thank you very much for reading. May God open doors for you, too.

All donations are tax-deductible.

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Please feel free to send me any comments and questions via email or Facebook messenger, and please tell me how I can pray for you.

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