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William Reid

William Reid


Hey guys! My name is William Reid and I’m currently living as a missionary in Roseville, Minnesota!

I lead a discipleship house with two other YWAM guys here in Roseville that has the vision of being a house centered on discipleship, community, and missional living. Our heart is to be a healthy landing spot for returning YWAM'ers and a place where young guys can come in to be discipled and learn how to uncompromisingly follow Jesus!

On a personal level, I believe the Lord has two calls over my life in missions. The first is to be a fire-starter, and the second is to cultivate the spiritual soil of Minnesota. As fire-starter, the Lord has called me to be one who ignites a spark in believers and communities to love and follow the Lord with first-love fire and devotion! As a cultivator of Minnesota, the Lord has called me to labor in the Spirit for my home state, so that it may be healthy soil for spiritual growth. I’ve come to realize just how many believers there are in Minnesota who hunger to live sold-out lives in Christ, but feel stuck in half-hearted patterns of Christian living. In prayer and in action, my ambition is to see Minnesota become a place where believers are daily walking in full submission to Jesus’ lordship, where the word of Christ dwells richly, and where extraordinary missional living becomes normal rather than rare! The harvest indeed is plentiful, and yet the laborers are just so few!

Practically speaking, my primary focus is on the discipleship house. Walking in discipleship with the other guys in the house and cultivating regular rhythms of Bible study, local and global outreaches, worship, intercession, and community events! After that, my energy goes to connecting with and pouring into believers, churches, schools, and ministries in the area. God is on the move in Minnesota!

As I pursue this path of missions here in Minnesota, my heart still burns for the nations. With that, I see Minnesota becoming my home base and then going out for certain times and seasons to overseas nations. Currently, I am praying about going to the nation of Albania for the year of 2024 to staff at a pioneering YWAM base!

Please join me in praying for the Kingdom of God to be built in Minnesota and in the nations! I would also love you to cover me in prayer! And practically speaking, I'd greatly appreciate you asking God if He wants you to partner with me financially :)



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