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Tina Sheehan

Tina Sheehan


Serving God has always been the center of me knowing Jesus. When I first became a Christian, I was fifteen years old and had never opened a Bible in my life. God captured my heart when I was in a mental health hospital and unable to find purpose for wanting to live my life. During this time one of my friends invited me to church for the first time. I had been to church a few times before, but it was just for a holiday or funeral. This was something different.  I found people who actually cared about me and loved me, something I had never experienced before. My life changed because someone told me about Jesus. Someone took the time to remind me that my life has purpose and my story matters. 

The following year, I had a strong desire to serve the people in my community and by a huge step a faith decided to travel hallway across the world to Africa with a mentor of mine. This was when I realized I wanted to dedicate my life to serving people and being the tangible hands and feet of Jesus.  

But why Southeast Asia?

Also during this time the Lord started to lay SE Asia on my heart. During a response time after a missionary shared at my church, God told me that one day I would be going to SE Asia - to a country I have never heard of. I knew that the dream was not to be in the near future and the Lord was revealing it to me so I could prepare my heart. The next year I had the opportunity to work with women who have been trafficked in Thailand for the summer, and I knew that it would not be my last time traveling to Asia. Then, last year I completed my own DTS and while I was there, God kept opening a door in my heart to go to SE Asia. In Kona, I met several people who are from there, and fell more in love with the idea of living a life of serving Him.

Since coming home, the Lord has been very clear that if I want to step into full time living abroad, He is fully supporting me. I keep getting the picture of a wide open door and if I want to step into it, I have His full permission.

While I am in SE Asia, I will be focusing on youth mental health and working with the homeless/refugee center attached to the base. I will also be helping staff the DTS school as well, from January through July. 

I want to thank everyone for coming on this journey with me. From Nepal, to the United States, and now to SE Asia. Your prayers are changing the Kingdom and bringing hope and purpose to the world. We are all in this together.


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