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Tomy Phillips

Tomy Phillips


Hey everyone. My name is Tomy Phillips. Currently, I am a part of Youth with a Mission

(YWAM), registered for Lakeside, Montana partaking in the School of Biblical Studies (SBS).

In 2022, God made it clear to me to spend a season as a part of YWAM. I signed up, went to

YWAM Kona, and completed my Discipleship Training School (DTS). During DTS, God drew me

closer to His heart. He worked in my heart, healing pains that I had carried since I was a child.

One thing God worked on was the idea of love and the misconception of how to be loved. God

showed me His unconditional love, that He has loved us before we could do anything to earn it.

I want to share that love with the world.

As part of my DTS, I was sent as a missionary to Gambia, Africa for almost 3 months. During

this time I fell in love with missions and spreading the Gospel. I feel like my purpose is to tell

people about God and be a light in a world desperately needing more of God.

In this season, God has called me to grow my foundation upon Him. SBS is a nine-month

school that studies all 66 books of the Bible to provide a firm biblical understanding applicable to

life. Going to SBS will provide knowledge that will influence how to live my life, make decisions,

and interact with others. The school will equip me with the tools needed to give God's Word to


Psalm 119:10-11 - “With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your

commandments! I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” God

has called me to know Him more, knowing His word to have the endurance and faith to live for

God wherever He takes me.

SBS is a $12,000 investment, which I need help to pay.

Would you prayerfully consider being a part of this journey by giving financially?

I am also looking for people to partner with me in prayer during this season.

Thank you,

Tomy Phillips


EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.




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