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Taya Patel

Taya Patel


Hi! I'm Taya Patel, a very new full time missionary with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Harpenden in the UK!

I am a part of a global missions movement called Youth With A Mission (YWAM). The heart of YWAM is 'to know God and make Him known' and have the needs of the world met by the love of Jesus.

I did my first DTS (Discipleship Training School) in Kona, Hawaii this year (2023) where my heart for missions was stirred. I went to fall deeper in love with Jesus and left accomplishing this and with a fresh desire to give him my wholehearted 'YES' for the rest of my life. After my time in Kona, God revealed to me the call upon my life to see the youth across the UK reached with the gospel. As well as this, I have also been marked for the nation of India, a country I have earthly and heavenly inheritance in and wish to see fully surrendered to God.

This is my first time serving with YWAM as a full time missionary, and I am so excited to get stuck in! I have committed the next two years to serve in the new Neighbours & Nations team that focuses on reaching the local communities and the nations, touring the UK and Europe. We believe that through the power of the gospel, we will see Generation Z, youth and young adults, walking in their true identities in Christ and the calling God has placed on their lives.

Would you prayerfully consider partnering with me in prayer and financially to see a generation saved across the UK.

So much love,

Taya x


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