Trey and Ashley Fuller, along with their four daughters have served in international missions since 2013. Working as part of a team in Mozambique, their primary work involved training church leaders, chronological Bible storying, and literacy support. Upon completion of their time in Mozambique, they moved to East Africa for training in using church planting strategies, using business as mission, and working with unreached people through sports/fitness programs. When their time in Africa had come to an end, the Fullers felt a clear call to move to one of the largest cities in the world and join the Lord in his work there.
The Fuller family has lived and worked in Mexico City since early 2020. The Lord has blessed them and grown them in their time in Mexico and now they are leading a team to spread the gospel to the unreached and unengaged upper class, as well as the largely post-modern and unreached university students and young adults of the city. Through a carefully curated mixture of various ministries, the Fuller’s are seeing more fruitful ministry and sweeter fellowship with the Lord than they have experienced in all of their previous years of ministry combined.
They welcome you to this page and thank you for your interest. They ask that you would prayerfully consider if the Lord would have you join them in His ministry in Mexico City, through financial support. It is only through the faithful giving of like minded people like you that they are able to do what they do.
Trey & Ashley Fuller
“How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent?" -Romans 10:14-15