I am Shristee, from Nepal, a tiny nation surrounded by the Himalayas!
Nepal has about 1.4% Christian according to the government statistics, meaning 98.6% of them are still to be saved through the gospel. This tiny Himalayan nation is dotted with many different people groups some of whom have had no opportunity to hear the gospel.
This may sound challenging, but I have seen first-hand that a large number of them are ready to receive Jesus and are hungry for the truth.
The number of people saved by the gospel is growing faster day by day. I believe that we are in the generation that will witness His great plans being fulfilled in this nation, and this nation set up as a shining light to the billion in the nations around.
This passion for Jesus wasn’t always in my heart.
In October 2017, I did my DTS (Discipleship Training School) that was the turning point of my life.
And I have never looked back.
DTS showed me much more of what Jesus was like and what he has called me to do. I am now a full-time missionary based in Nepal since 2018 serving with the Fire and Fragrance family. During the last few years, I realized that there aren’t very many Nepali missionaries like myself, but I also know that my people and the rest of the earth need to know the love of Jesus.
I am so glad that I said YES to live a completely different life with Jesus.
I have made a commitment to serve as staff with YWAM as long as God wants. My primary purpose would be to reach the unreached and unengaged people groups (UUPG) of inaccessible and isolated mountain villages where walking on the trails is the only way to reach them with the gospel.
I am convinced that the message and display of the love of God is the only practical and powerful alternative to transform their lives. I truly believe that God wants to use the Christian youth of Nepal, knowing their identity and calling to the great commission, to help meet this need.
This is why I am committing to school leading the next DTS, serving and training in home gatherings, helping lead weekend trainings for youth and pushing forward the message of Brave Love (a ministry encouraging and empowering women to live and look like Christ).
Also, my deepest heart’s desire is to see the youth of Nepal being led by the Holy Spirit.
I want to see my people transformed by the love of God, but cannot do it alone. Would you join my support team to see Jesus receive His reward in the Himalayas?
Your involvement is not just a blessing to me but a blessing to the entire nation as we raise up lovers of Jesus who will spread His light and love.