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Sophia Riggan

Sophia Riggan


Thank you for being here.

I’m on mission for Jesus.

Because I love the story I get to tell. Jesus repurposed my sinful heart and restored value to me. He stood over me in my darkest hour and protected me. He poured out love and grace on me and introduced my troubled heart to peace, joy, and abundance of life. He is faithful and true, full of steadfast love. His stories always end in freedom, and they are always too glorious to not be retold. The movement of Jesus is life and light. Broken heartedness, loneliness, suicidality, depression, despair––they are no match for Him. I know that well, but there are others that don’t.

The Lord mercifully brought me to Circuit Riders. Circuit Riders is a grassroots movement and missional community focused on saving the lost, reviving the saved and training them all. Our passion is Jesus, our mission field is our generation, and our opportunity is now.


For more information: Or give me a call!

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