Hi Friends! So glad you're here:))
My name is Sasha Page, I recently graduated high school and have felt such a strong pull to share the Gospel and preach about the purest of loves. This desire started while I attended public school, seeing teenagers who were hurt by religion and hadn’t met the real Jesus. Every day I walked through the hallways knowing that Jesus had died for each one of these individuals and my heart loathed that they didn’t know and live in their full identity as sons and daughters of the highest king.
While partly growing up on the mission field, Jesus had always been the center in my family, I would wait for my parents in the pews while they and others around them experienced the tangible presence of God. I wondered what this was actually like, why people seemed to be drawn to this man named Jesus. I'd ask myself why the disciples and so many other people around the world were willing to be martyred for Him, there was such mystery about Him.
As I started to get older the gospel just became another story, merely mythology. The fire that once burned in me was gone and I became stuck in a constant state of lukewarmness, depression, anxiety, and self-hatred. This was my reality, the only thing I knew. For many teenagers, this is the same reality, but I believe there is freedom in the power of testimony!!!!!!!!!!!!
After my sophomore year of high school, I met Jesus! WHOOT-WHOOT. I was returning from a conference with friends and stopped at a coffee shop. On the 3rd floor in a small room, we began sharing our testimonies, and the spirit of the Lord came on us so heavily. For me, the Upper Room was no longer a story in the Bible; it had become real and alive. Our shirts were soaked from wiping our tears, many faces were red from experiencing the visible presence of God. I saw teenagers scared to even say God's name in public transformed. They began to yell out, undignified, because of the fire that now burned inside of them. My eyes have never seen a room like that before, my eyes had never seen hunger like that before. Jesus breathed life into my heart that day, He relit something so deep inside me that had been forgotten and lost. I burn for kids my age to experience and live the same thing!
In September I will be joining a program called Circuit Riders, which is a branch of Youth With A Mission (YWAM). I will attend their 6-month discipleship training school, where I will be taught how to reach my generation with the gospel. I will be a part of the "Carry the Love" movement, which was born out of a desire to see salvations on college campuses. In the first 3 months, I will learn how to communicate the gospel and evangelize, which includes weekly outreach in the city and on the local college campus. During this time of training, I will be immersed in a community that seeks his face, and that will encourage me in my relationship with the Lord. During the second half of the training, I will be traveling with a team and doing outreach on college campuses, working with the local churches, and doing evangelism around the city.
This excites me greatly!! This program will allow me to share what He has done in my heart with others. “For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of” Matthew 12:34. Like Peter raised his voice and preached the Gospel after the Upper Room in Acts 2, because of an encounter with God. I believe this to be true for our generation too!
I can’t do this without the Body of Christ!! I am looking for a team of people to partner with me through the next year. The total cost of the program is $13,000, this will cover housing, travel, outreach, and tuition. This will enable me to walk out what God is doing in the nation of America. Through your support, you are helping me equip young people to taste and see God, and to go out into the world and share the Gospel!
Thank you in advance for partnering with me as I enter into this season of full-time ministry. To God be the glory for all He will do through us, together!
Sasha Page