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Sarah Newhard

Sarah Newhard


Hi friends! I'm Sarah Newhard, a full time missionary with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) in Kona, Hawaii. 

I'm a part of a community called Fire & Fragrance, which is focused on training and sending Gen-Z to the nations to share the Gospel. We want to develop young leaders that carry fire in their hearts for Jesus that becomes the fragrance of Christ to the lost. We long to know God and make Him known throughout the whole world. We believe Jesus is the desire of the nations and only He can bring light and restoration to the darkest places. 

A little over 2 years ago, I had an encounter with Jesus that entirely changed my life. In a moment He set me free from years of anxiety and depression, showing me a fullness of life and joy I had never known before. He began to stir my heart for more of Him, so in January of 2023 I did my DTS (Discipleship Training School) in Kona, and that's where Jesus truly set my heart on fire for missions. I had the opportunity to spend 3 months on outreach in Colombia, where I saw firsthand the power of the Gospel to bring freedom and healing to the lost and broken. During those 6 months, I truly came to know that Jesus is worthy of everything and there's no sweeter place to be than in the center of His will for my life. 


During my DTS, I felt the Lord calling me to come back and work on staff with YWAM, helping to disciple and equip other young people in their callings. So, last fall I went back to Hawaii and spent 3 months in leadership training, 3 months discipling students, and 3 months leading an outreach team to Papua New Guinea. During my time in PNG I learned and grew so much in dependency on the Lord. I got to see the Lord move not only in the people of PNG, but also in my students as they stepped out in faith and boldness, preaching the Gospel in villages, markets, schools, and hospitals. It was truly the most beautiful season of growth and falling even more deeply in love with Jesus. 

This fall I’m very excited to be heading back to YWAM to staff another year! From September-December I’ll be in South Africa doing leadership training at the YWAM base in Potchefstroom. After that I hope to head back to Kona for 3 months, where I’ll lead the Fire and Fragrance School again, and after that I’ll lead another 3 month outreach to a different nation. I am so expectant for what the Lord wants to do this year in the nations and am so honored to be a part of the story He’s writing.

I've personally seen the power of the Gospel radically transform my life and set me free, and I believe God wants to do the same for all of His children. With all of that being said, I would be so deeply honored if you would prayerfully consider partnering with me as I continue in full time ministry this year. It’s only with your prayers and support that I’m able to reach the nations with the love of Jesus!

He gave us everything! The least we can do is give Him everything in return! He's truly worthy of it all! May He receive the full reward of His suffering!!!

Much love, 



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