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Sergei & Victoria Nesterenko

Sergei & Victoria Nesterenko


Hello my name is Sergey, my wife’s name is Victoria and our daughters Anna and Leah!

We are a family from Russia! My wife and I are staff of the YWAM Russia mission. For over 20 years we have served in the church in various ministries, worship, preaching the gospel, counseling, as well as children’s ministry in countries such as Uzbekistan and Russia.

A few years ago, God put Japan on our hearts. The first missionary trip to Japan took place in 2016, lasting 1.5 months, where my wife, together with a team of missionaries from Ukraine, served in different cities of Japan.

After this trip, we decided to devote our lives to the mission and went to the DTS mission school. After school, we made short-term missionary trips to different parts of Japan every year. The last trip was in 2019 to Fukushima Prefecture in the small town of Minamisoma.

We are now preparing for a long-term mission to Japan, namely to the Tohoku region, in Miyagi prefecture, in the northeast of the country. In 2011, there was a strong earthquake and tsunami in this region, which caused a lot of destruction and many people died. We saw a great need for missionaries and our great desire to preach the gospel in small towns in Japan.

To be able to enter Japan for a long-term mission, we need to obtain a religious visa, as well as at the same time have sufficient financial support. Please prayerfully consider us to become a prayer and financial partner for evangelism in Japan in the future.

Thank you so much! The Nesterenko family


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