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Sam Kooima

Sam Kooima


Hello friends!

My name is Samuel Kooima, and I am a Discipleship Training School (DTS) student with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) in Salem, OR.

From a young age, I felt called to ministry and have followed the Lord into the mission field since graduating high school in 2024. Through my Discipleship Training School, I’ve encountered God’s love like never before, deepening my understanding of who He is and His will for my life. This has ignited a passion in me to answer His call and share the good news with everyone around me!

I have spent the outreach portion of my school in Japan and God has broken my heart for the Japanese people. Only 1% of the Japanese population is Christian, and of that 1%, just 0.25% attend church. Additionally, it's estimated that about 95% of the population has never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. In a country where mental health challenges are prevalent, Japan has averaged about 21,000 suicides annually over the past decade. Being in Japan, God has shown me that behind every statistic is a person—each facing their own battles, longing for hope and healing. Jesus has hope and freedom for the people of Japan. JESUS LOVES JAPAN! But how will they know if nobody tells them?

That is why I’m returning to Japan on Feb. 22 to serve on staff with YWAM Yokohama for their 6-month DTS starting March 3. In this role, I’ll help equip and encourage students to deepen their relationship with God, grow in community, and be rooted in His Word as they reach out to others. At the same time, I’ll continue ministering to the Japanese people by building relationships and sharing the love of Christ.

Staffing is not a paid job, and I am currently in the process of raising $6,500 of support, or $1,350 of monthly support. This would fully cover Housing/rent, Food (groceries, eating out, etc.), Transportation (bus and flights), Self-care, and Giving (tithes, offering, and generosity)

It is an honor to be able to be a part of YWAM Yokohama!

I cannot express my thanks to God and to you who have supported me for making my dream of being a missionary real life!

I would love to ask for you to partner with me through financial support and prayer!



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