My name is Sophie Haveman and I am a full time missionary with the EveryHeart Movement!
EveryHeart is a YWAM (Youth With A Mission) missions movement based in Grand Rapids. The mission of EveryHeart is simple: to see every heart met and sent by the love of Jesus. God has placed a burning desire in my heart to see the Great Commission (Matthew 28) fulfilled and so I am beyond excited to give all I have to see Jesus have His reward on the earth.
One of my primary roles on staff will be serving in the Discipleship Training School. I will have the greatest honor of leading and discipling  young women as they grow in deeper relationship with Jesus and grow in their original design of who God has made them to be.
I also will be serving on summer tours where I will help lead and train teams to go preach the Gospel in the streets of America.
I cannot even begin to express how THANKFUL I am that you would choose to sow your prayers and finances into my life. Your generosity enables me to carry the Gospel of Jesus to the ends of the earth.
"Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19
May the Lamb of God receive the full reward of His suffering!
With love,