Equipping & Empowering Kingdom Ministries to Change the World!
Sam & Beverly Scaggs are a spiritual father and mother to many sons and daughters around the world. They love deeply and authentically. Their passion has always been to make disciples who make disciples who love the Lord Jesus Christ.
EquiPower was founded by Sam & Bev to focus on equipping and empowering frontline Kingdom workers who are rescuing children from sex trafficking, restoring the broken hearted, and discipling new believers to plant churches in some of the darkest places on the planet.
Sam & Bev want to shine the Light of Jesus in these dark places. When Jesus is lifted up His Light shines so bright that those searching for Him will come to the Light.
EquiPower exists to reach the lost, least and left behind in Europe, the Balkans, Asia and other parts of the world.
Thank you for standing with us in prayer and giving financially. Let us know how we can pray for you as well. God bless!