We are the Bryson family: Scott, Chelli and our 4 kids. We served as full-time missionaries in Indonesia in 2017. Then in 2018, God re-directed us to serve with YWAM Marine Reach, based in New Zealand. Since 2018, we have contributed to medical / dental outreaches and teaching ministries in various regions of Polynesia, Indonesia, Melanesia (Vanuatu), and Africa. Scott is an Emergency Physician, and Chelli is a Dentist.
Nutshell Version of Our Vision: We aim to imitate Jesus Christ, by sharing His love and compassion internationally through prayer, teaching, mentoring, discipleship, evangelism, consultation, and direct medical / dental patient care. May God give us strength and be glorified as we seek to serve Him!
Coconut-Sized Version of Our Vision: To expound upon this vision a bit; Our ministry is modeled after Jesus' earthly ministry as summarized by Matthew 9:35-38:
We function as a Regional Resource for multiple locations: ("Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages..." Matt 9:35a), with a multifaceted approach to Kingdom work, including:
- Teaching / Training courses in Medical Missions: (Jesus "...taught in their synagogues..." Matt 9:35b),
- Evangelism and Discipleship: (Jesus "...preached the Good News about the Kingdom..." Matt 9:35c),
- Direct Patient Care: (Jesus "...healed all kinds of diseases and sicknesses." Matt 9:35d)
- Compassionate Mentorship; pointing the hurting toward the Good Shepherd: ("When [Jesus] saw the crowds, he felt compassion for them because they were hurting and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd." Matt 9:36)
- Providing Remote Medical/Dental Consultations for other Missionaries; because so many missionaries are isolated, not medically trained, faced with medical dilemmas, and few in number: ("Jesus said to his disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.' " Matt 9:37)
- Prayer for the Nations & Intercession as led by the Holy Spirit: (Jesus instructed us to "pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest." Matt 9:38)
If you have any questions or want to know more about our ministry, contact us at: BrysonBeacon@Protonmail.com
We are able to serve in this much-needed capacity because of God's provision through your generosity!
To donate by check, make checks payable to: Equipnet (NOTE: On the memo line of check, write: Equip3044, not our names). Mail checks to: Equipnet International, P.O. Box 860, Alamo, CA 94507
All donations are tax deductible for U.S. citizens. You will receive a tax receipt via e-mail for each donation.
The Bryson Family