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Shiloh Allen

Shiloh Allen


Hey, friend! My name is Shiloh.

I work as a full-time missionary with Circuit Riders through YWAM (Youth With A Mission). Our missional goal is to see the lost saved, revive the saved, and train them all to share the gospel!

I have been in ministry for 6 years, but through the Discipleship Training School with Circuit Riders I really learned the heart of God for missions. On my outreach the Lord set me on fire for the lost, and now it's my hearts cry is to see my generation saved. My goal within ministry is to show people the love of Jesus through whatever outlet I am able to use. Whether that looks like going on outreaches, sharing the gospel on college campuses, preaching, worship leading, or even getting coffee, my goal is to make Jesus known and bring people closer to Him.

Within Circuit Riders our goal is to reach everyone we can and fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28). There is a need for everyone to know Jesus and make Him known. The love of God is able to heal, deliver, and set free. It's nothing we can do, but by the power of the gospel alone.

This is my first year working with Circuit Riders and I'm so expectant for the Lord to move in a crazy, radical way. My goal through it all is to simply seek the face of God.


I would love and feel extremely honored if you would prayerfully consider partnering with me financially in ministry. The harvest is ripe within my generation, and I long to see God receive his reward.


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