Why “The Final Sprint”?
Because the time is short and we need to run hard in a “final sprint” to the finish line, the return of Christ. It was revealed to me when I heard a gunshot in the spirit. I realized it was signaling the start of a race. 1 Corinthians 9:24 & Hebrews 12:1 It is the great task given to the final generation to complete the great commission by reaching the last of the unreached people groups of the world with the Good News of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We have an incredibly effective way of initiating the disciple making process especially among the remaining illiterate and oral cultures of the world. See Vision 2033: https://tinyurl.com/Vision-2033-proclaimer
The Goal
The goal is to accelerate the disciple making process by providing the Word of God in audio form. No electricity, no internet, no problem. With solar powered hand cranked audio players, the Gospel can be delivered to the last of the unreached people groups of the world. We provide them for missionaries who are going to these unreached missions frontiers.
“Faith Comes By Hearing”
The company that supplies the audio Bibles has a goal termed; Vision 2033. It is the effort to complete the great commission by 2033. I am taking on that goal along with them.
The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Matthew 9:37-38 There are estimated to be 2.7 - 3.1 billion people living who have never heard the Gospel or don't have anyone nearby to tell them about Jesus. They live mostly in what is called the 10/40 window. A big potential harvest field.
The job of preaching the Gospel to the unreached is made easier for missionaries by having these devices distributed as a first line of action so the people can hear the entire Gospel and allow the Spirit to work in them before making personal assessments.
People are largely unaware that most of the money given for missions doesn't go to where it's needed most, unreached people groups (UPG’s). Only 1.7 percent of the money given for missions actually goes to UPG’s. We, the evangelical community need to trumpet this message and get resources going to where they are needed most.
We intend that The Final Sprint will assist in solving this problem by spreading awareness of it and encouraging Christians everywhere to get involved in the solution.
Here are some examples of the effectiveness of Proclaimer Audio Bibles from the John Ankerberg show.
Refugee camps in Uganda: https://tinyurl.com/Proclaimers-Bidi-Bidi
Villages in South East Asia: https://tinyurl.com/Proclaimer-Southeast-asia
As I help others to fulfill their mission vision, thank you for helping me fulfill mine!