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Raquel Machado Pingueiro

Raquel Machado Pingueiro


Hello everyone, I’m Raquel, I’m Brazilian and since June 2022 I have been serving as a full time missionary in London. The base is called YWAM Urban Key Harlesden.

Since I can remember, God has put this love for England in my heart. I tried to run from it, thinking that I was crazy, but God kept moving and took me to London, and I finally feel that’s where I should be.

Right now my focus is to serve. First, God spoke a lot about commitment , and I feel much more connected to the base in this aspect, helping the ways I can. I’m always part of the ministries we run, for example food bank, evangelism, our coffee shop where we do lots of workshops for the community, its a lot of relational evangelism, and really touches my heart when I see people changing their lives. I also help leading some schools we run in the base, and I have been in many outreaches since I have joined.

In the future I also want to go deep in knowledge about counselling, I really think it’s key for the way I relate to people, since I have already seen God moving this way, but I would like to have more tools for it.

Most of all I need prayers! First to my heart, to keep aligned with God. I believe that everything starts with me, if I allow God to work in my heart and life, others are gonna be touched automatically through my life.

Also for finances! God has been amazing, every month it’s a new miracle for provision, but now specifically I’m facing a visa situation that costs a lot, praying for new miracles!

God keep blessing you, and all of us, to keep moving as a body of Christ!



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