In 2011, I received the call from the Lord to start my journey in world missions through completing a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Switzerland. During my DTS, I was asked to join the YWAM Lausanne staff, a family of people representing over 20 countries and cultures, working for one goal: to Know God and make Him Known.
For the first 5 years, I worked directly with the DTS in discipling young people from the nations to serve in the nations, including their home nation. I’ve had the privilege to witness hundreds of students grow in their love relationship with God and be commissioned to share this love in whatever they do and wherever the Lord calls them, at home or around the globe.
I have also had the joy to serve the base in various ministries like hospitality, kitchen, accounting and admissions. I also participate in reaching out locally in the city of Lausanne through involvement in the local church, The WALK (ministry to those in the sex-industry) and Loving Neighbors (encouraging and loving those in our neighborhood, including the Hotel School just across the street).
Over the years God as revealed more of His heart to develop/grow individuals, families and communities through the life principles of the Word. Jesus came to teach us how to live and we are called to disciple and teach others around us. I’ve had the opportunity to do this in Egypt through our Sundanese Community Development Centre. God is also opening doors to begin work in the village of my birth, Dadap, Solano in the Philippines.
My mission is to continue bringing the knowledge of the glory of God’s Kingdom to the ends of the earth, wherever He leads. Whether it is in Switzerland through training, Empowering lives in Egypt or teaching in the Philippines. We can fulfill God’s vision of…
“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.” – Habakkuk 2:14
It’s been wonderful to be on these rhodadventures with God! Please join me!
Many blessings and a deep appreciation to you and your family!