Hello! I am Olen Gandy, and I am a full time missionary at Nations House of Prayer in Houston.
At a young age, the Lord broke my heart for the lost and opened my eyes to how worship moves His heart. Through a list of convictions, dreams, and divine encounters, I knew I was called to full time ministry. However, throughout all of these years, the Lord did not reveal my specific calling.
On December 30th, 2022, I received and understood my calling, building houses of prayer.
A house of prayer is essentially a place dedicated to welcoming the Lord through worship and prayer throughout the week. I will spend my days dragging my friends into worship, so they might go out and drag more in! I have seen many of my friends' lives radically changed after inviting them into regular intimate worship. It is my prayer that my generation is a ruined generation, living for His glory and His glory alone. I believe building places to gather and worship the Lord throughout the week is the role the Lord has given me in response to that prayer.
To sum it up, I long to see my brothers and sisters enter the presence of the Lord with praise and thanksgiving (Ps 100:4) and live a life of true worship  (Gen 22:5, Rom 12) by going out, making disciples (Matthew 28:19).
It all starts with a house of prayer, a place to minister to the Lord with worship, prayer, and art throughout the week. I am partnering with Nation’s House of Prayer to build this environment for the community and the Lord, and need your support to make this partnership possible.