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Nicole Doroshuk

Nicole Doroshuk


What’s up Family! My Name is Nicole Doroshuk.

During my discipleship training school (DTS) with YWAM Kona, I had an amazing encounter and was wrecked by the Holy Spirit and it deeply changed my life! I have been marked and will be forever longing for my generation to know the power and name of Jesus!  My desire is for every man, every woman, and every child to know and encounter the power of the Gospel.

I recently was a student in Fire and Fragrance, extreme places DTS (hardest and darkest) where we strive to be sold out and fully surrendered to Jesus. God has called me to continue my time in YWAM with Revival and Reformation, this school exists to equip young leaders with a Biblical worldview and practical tools in order to develop projects that respond to injustices around the world. We are encouraged to consider how God wants to reach each sphere of society with Biblical principles and the culture of the Kingdom of heaven

My biggest prayer is to have a team that I know is praying for me and can speak into my life during difficult times. In order to be fully present in what the Lord is calling me to do in the nations, I also need a team for financial partnership. By supporting me financially you will be invited into what the Lord will be doing through me!


Would you prayerfully consider joining this story and being a part of my ministry team to see the good news spread in some of the most hopeless places?

I am inviting you into my journey with Jesus, if you’d like to donate you can directly below!

Thank you for your time!

God Bless!



EquipNet is a 22-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











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925.478.4320 Ext. 303




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