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Nikki Beranak

Nikki Beranak


Hi! My name is Nikki, and in January 2024, I will be joining Youth With a Mission (YWAM) as a full-time missionary! YWAM is a worldwide, interdenominational Christian missions organization with the goal of knowing God and making Him known. As I enter the missions field, I’ll be serving with YWAM Trentino in Arco, Italy. YWAM Trentino is a Great Commission community in the Italian Alps which is rooted in community, fed by the Word, and fueled by the Spirit.

The Lord first began to burden my heart for the nation of Italy in 2016 and, since then, I’ve been praying about and taking steps toward a life of missions there. A massive step toward pursuing this calling included attending a Discipleship Training School (DTS) at YWAM Trentino from April-September of 2022. Throughout this DTS, the Lord allowed me to see with my own eyes the need for the gospel that exists within Italy and within Europe, as a whole. He further broke my heart for the religiosity of the nation and the wide lack of personal relationship with Christ. He broke my heart for the youth and young adults who grew up in church but had never heard the gospel- the Good News of a perfect, sinless God coming to earth as a man and lovingly dying for their sins so that they might choose personal relationship with Him. He broke my heart for the hopelessness and lack of purpose many of those youth and young adults admitted to feeling.

And, in my time there, God gave me hope that He has plans to see these things change- to see His people turn to Him. He allowed me to see with my own eyes the openness and excitement for the gospel that the Italian people have. He allowed me to meet youth and young adults who are hungry for the Word, hungry to know Him deeply, hungry to share about Him. He demonstrated that revival isn’t just coming to Europe, it’s already happening.

While serving with YWAM Trentino, I’ll be part of the base’s local + global outreach teams. Part of what I’ll be doing there includes working with the youth and young adults’ ministry they’ve established, both in small groups and through 1-on-1 discipleship. Another major aspect of my ministry will include evangelism, which the Lord has given me several exciting visions and dreams for.

My heart burns for Italy and for Europe. My heart burns to see the people there experience personal relationship with Christ. To see them lay everything down for Him. To see them turn to Him. To see them find their hope, life, and purpose in The One who created them.

My heart burns for Gen Z. To see a generation leave everything behind in loving pursuit of Christ and His people. A generation believing for, and dedicated to, revival. A generation that lives above reproach. A generation that longs to see every nation, tribe, and tongue receive access to the gospel. A generation that says, “Here I am. Send ME.”

I’m so grateful to serve a God who cares for each and every one of His children, and who invites us to care for them, too. I cannot wait to step into the role He’s invited me to play in what He’s doing throughout the nations!



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