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Melody Tregenza

Melody Tregenza


Melody is a full-time missionary with a global missions organisation called 'Youth With A Mission'. She is currently based in their Lausanne campus in Switzerland. After doing her Discipleship Training School in 2020, her passion and desire grew to share about Jesus with those who do not yet know Him.

Over time, her focus gradually shifted to the continent in Europe, with a heart to see a new generation of young people discover the truth and once again passionately follow Jesus. 

Her involvement is primarily invested into the city ministry in the city of Lausanne. Through street evangelism, Bible studies for non-believers, and hosting evangelistic events. 

Melody is on the journey of building a team of people willing to invest and support her in this missions journey, allowing her to fully serve in building God's Kingdom in Switzerland and beyond. Would you prayerfully consider investing in God's work in Europe through joining this team of monthly investors, or contributing to a one-time gift?

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