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Mia Stien

Mia Stien


Hey Y'all! My Name is Mia Stien, I am 21 years old and I am a full time missionary with YWAM!

When I was 19, the Lord placed the call on my heart to go to the Nations. I had just moved to Texas, waitressing at an Olive Garden, and looking for something greater in my life. I had tried all of the worldly things, satisfying my flesh, chasing after my own desires, but nothing worked. Nothing could fill the hole in my heart; until I met Jesus.

Since February of 2022, I have lived in 3 different countries doing missions, and have grown an immense heart for the people of South America, and Europe. I am currently located in Harpenden, England working as a staff member and training with a team to launch into a full-time YWAM base In Canterbury, England. Our heart is to steward warm climate cultures into a cold climate place, and to establish Canterbury as a missions sending city, on fire for God again. We will be running local outreaches, Bible schools and DTS, as well as establishing a prayer room and worship team! For the time being, I will be staffing with YWAM Harpenden, preparing physically and spiritually for the launch of our Base in Canterbury, 2025!


For the year of 2024, I have been given the opportunity to lead a school of students from South America teaching them English! With doing missions in Europe, many countries are English speaking. Many of our students have a heart to carry the gospel here, but struggle with the language barrier. My job will be to become one of their English teachers, planning lessons, practicing normal conversational skills and just allowing them to flourish in the language. We will also be diving into how to evangelize based off of the culture, and the best ways to spread the gospel in English. Praying for revival all throughout England and Europe! 

After staffing our English school, I will them be moving onto helping staff our Latin American DTS (Discipleship Training School) in April! Most of our students are from Brazil and are Portuguese speaking, which is where my heart is at on the field. I along with my team will be taking them throughout their lecture phase (3 months) diving into their relationship with God, and how we can make Him known into the World. After the three months, our students will go onto the mission filed for 2 months and live out all they have learned in the lecture phase of DTS! I am praying to be able to lead a team of the students to another nation, and serving the community through any of their needs. I will also be serving on the worship level throughout the base in worship time, intercession, gatherings and wherever I am needed. Anywhere they need help, I am willing! 


1.) Pray for our team! We are recruiting YWAMER'S from all over to come and join our vision in YWAM Canterbury! Pray the right people are led to join our team as we prepare to launch in 2025.

2.) Pray for a place! YWAM Canterbury is still on the lookout for a physical space. Pray not just for the right people, but for the right place.

3.) Pray for our students, and our staff team! As we prepare to receive our students, pray that their hearts are softened and open to receiving what God has for them, and our staff is prepared to hear what God is wanting us to share and teach. Pray for their safety as they fly across the world. 

4.) Pray for provision! When living on mission, it all comes with a cost.  Pray I am financially covered, and that the Lord provides the funds I need for the places He calls me to, at His appointed time!

5.) Pray for a smooth transition to Europe! Moving across the world can be scary. The Lord has called me to England before the rest of my team, so I will be in England before the rest of YWAM Canterbury arrives. Pray my transition into YWAM Harpenden is smooth, and I am able to feel at home!

PRAYER IS VITAL! I appreciate the prayer that has placed me into the position I am in now. 

If you are feeling led to give, scroll below. I am extremely blessed by any amount. Anything the Lord leads you to! 

Thank you Guys for reading, and I Hope you are willing to partner with me to fulfill the Great Commission!



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