Hello, my name is Molly Sanders,
I have always had some suspicion that I was supposed to be a missionary so when God officially called me to missions it was kind of a no brainer and saying yes was just the start to this crazy adventure I am on now!
This past fall of 2021 I did a DTS in Huntington Beach, California, through Circuit Riders and it was the craziest and most fulfilling thing I have ever been a part of.
The DNA and heart of Circuit Riders is something that I can proudly say I believe in because it is just truly the heart of Jesus.
Save the lost. Revive the saved. And train them all. All through the simple Gospel and love of Jesus.
Circuit Riders travel from college to college all across the nation partnering with students that already have a heart for Jesus doing Carry the Love events where we preach the simple gospel and share the love of Jesus. And then doing evangelism training, Brave Love and Man Time break out groups and just seeing students get encountered with the love of Jesus. And then catalyze the students on that very campus to partner with Jesus themselves to make a change on their campus.
This past winter I went on a Carry The Love tour for two months on the road traveling between eight different states, with seven strangers that soon became family, and I will tell you this. I saw that very thing happen, students got radically touched by the presence of the lord, and students got empowered to believe that they can make a difference on their campus and were catalyzed into starting clubs, worship nights, testimony nights, and the list could go on. But the bottom line is they started a movement for Jesus and with Jesus.
I also had the opportunity to go to Burundi, Africa and see a huge move of God happen the pure power of God broke out in so many ways so many people gave their lives to Jesus, I got to see Matthew 9:37 in real life that "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few;" The harvest was so plentiful so many people were so eager to give their lives to Jesus it just took a few eager hearts to say yes to Jesus when he called them overseas.
I truly believe that we are in revival and Jesus is just after his children. The time is now. For America to come to Jesus. The time is now for Africa to come to Jesus. The time Is now for the rest of the world to come to Jesus.
I believe that the lord is calling me to full time missions to not just make this a season of my life but for it to be my life, to be a missionary.
Which means moving to California to join staff and hopefully find myself back in Africa but also here in this very nation continuing to do Carry The Love tours and everything else that being on staff entails.
In order to embark on this next great adventure for Jesus I am humbly asking you to invest in this mission the lord has sent me on to see the world saved and changed for Jesus. It is my heart's desire to have a family of monthly supporters to help this vision come to pass. People that are passionate about seeing the younger generation awaken and in Love with Jesus. Some people are made to go, and others go by giving in the form of funding.
And TOGETHER we are investing in growing the kingdom of God.
I cannot wait to start this crazy adventure and I cannot wait to see and share with you all the lord does in this next season.
Thank you so much,
I love you guys,
You may also give by check, if you like. Please make checks payable to "EquipNet" and make sure you include my account Equip3777 in the Memo Section on the face of your check.
Please mail to: EquipNet, P.O. Box 860 Alamo, CA 94507