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Makayla Moffet

Makayla Moffet


Hey My name is Makayla.

An African American missionary, I am a woman of innovation, a woman of influence, a black voice, a woman of courage, bravery, a leader and a warrior. But I wasn’t always like this. My testimony starts in Africa where my birth father died and I became fatherless, an orphan. Lost my birth family. I was sexually and physically abused in the orphanage. I got adopted and my trauma did not stop there. I went through a decade of trauma and then was given up by my adoptive family. Sent to adult and teen challenge then to a group home when I was 15 years old until the age of 18. I have struggled with anxiety, depression, abandonment, and lack of self-worth. I have had a hard time finding my place in this world or a sense of belonging. But God is a good father.

He sent people in my life to love me and show me what healthy relationships looked like. I did not let my circumstances stop me from the story God was rewriting for me. He was fighting my battles and holding my hand all along. His favor gave me opportunities to pursue education in the healthcare industry and I am a nursing student and in the future working on become a nurse practitioner. I have traveled to continents like Asia, Africa and Oceania. Africa by far was my favorite. God took back everything the devil tried to steal from me at a young age. He said I am taking you back to the very place the enemy tried to destroy you to redeem and restore you.

He restored my identity as a black woman, instead of shame I felt His delight over the color how he created me. Being loud in times in my life where I was told to be quiet was part of who I was. I related to the African American people in ways that others could not because I was once one of them. Creating a bridge where they could trust me. African Americans make less than 1% of black missionaries in the whole world. Due to limited financial resources and historical exclusion. I am willing to say yes to the call of God. Laying my life down so others so they can know Him. And encouraging others in the black community by my testimony.

I am joining Brave Love a global movement that started in Huntington Beach, California. That reaches thousands of women around the world. Through the teaching of biblical womanhood. Encouraging woman to walk in boldness, purpose and identity. Creating transformation throughout the globe and in every sphere in society. Willing to step into whatever God ask of them.

I need monthly support in order to continue in what the Lord is leading me into. This will cover living costs, housing transportation, insurance, travel flights and gear and equipment. I am asking $3,000 of monthly support for 6 months.

Will you join me me? In prayer and support?

If you want to hear more detail of my story feel free to reach out.



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