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Michelle Miranda

Michelle Miranda


Hi, I'm Michelle! I am a missionary with YWAM Kona. I am 23 years old, Brasilian-American and I love Jesus.

My goal and passion is to live a life worthy of what Jesus did on the cross. I want to see unreached people knowing about the man that loves them, Jesus.

My heart also burns for the ones who DO know about Jesus to return to their first love and fall in love with Jesus and His word again!

I just finished a Discipleship Bible School, where I read and studied the entire Bible in 3 months, and now I am currently in a leadership course to staff and disciple 9 girls in a few months, and also lead a team to a different nation! My heart burns for all nations, but God has highlighted Brasil, India, and the Muslim world to me recently.

My dream is to see Bible illiteracy end, as well as Bible poverty! I just recently was part of a 3 month outreach to Peru, where I got to go to an indigenous tribe called the Urarina people in the Amazon jungle and hand out SD cards with the Bible in their oral mother tongue. We got to preach the Gospel to people who have never heard of Jesus, and we even had the privilege to do a Bible study with them!

I would love to ask if you would partner with me on this journey with Jesus with financial support and prayer! Whether that is monthly or a one-time donation, any amount is welcome!

My current goal is $800 a month, which will cover housing/rent, groceries, and the left over will be saved up for my upcoming missions trips in the fall and winter!

“In the same way, the Lord commanded that those who proclaim the Gospel should get their living by the Gospel.” – 1 Corinthians 9:14 ESV

Your support means the world to me, I cannot go unless I am sent, and I cannot go unless you go with me through prayer and support!

Thank you so much, your giving will not go unnoticed by our Father in heaven!



EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.




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