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Megan DeRuyter

Megan DeRuyter


My name is Megan DeRuyter. I work with Youth With a Mission, as a full-time missionary.

Part of my call in reaching others is by sharing beautiful testimonies that the Lord has given me.

Here is a testimony:

My first month on staff with YWAM, I had an encounter during a worship night that changed my life forever. The Holy Spirit touched me and I was brought low. As I lay there, I was brought into the throne room of the LORD, and He allowed me to see Him on the throne (His waist & down). As I bowed before His feet, I felt the presence of Jesus so strongly next to me, and was given a joy I had never had before. In this moment, I could not ignore the fact that Holy Spirit was so real, and so divine, that it gripped me. I chased after Holy Spirit after this encounter, in a desperation of NEEDING to have & know more of Him. Learning how to commune with Him. He met me in a season of chastisement, & knew this is exactly what I needed.

That is our God, Yahweh, full of compassion & grace. Knowing exactly how to stoke a fire & give me a burning desire for others to experience Him. To share with others of the most profound relationship they could ever have. Especially if they have never heard the good news of Jesus before!

This is my heart, for the lost and unreached to hear, have an encounter, & know Yahweh for themselves. To have the physical Bible, and be fed by the living word of God, while sitting in His presence, communing with Him. (John 6.35). To live in freedom, purpose, unashamed, undignified. A laid down, lover of Jesus!

My call has been to go to the nations through visions & dreams, following the leading of the LORD. (Matthew 28:19-20). To serve, lead, disciple, exhort, and grow! To be a warrior for the Kingdom, and help train others!

If you felt a stir within you as you read this, please pray, and ask the Lord how you should respond. If you should partner with me, and how. (Prayerfully/financially, etc.) Each member of the Body of Christ has a particular call, and purpose to live out, & it is an honor to be the Bride of Christ with you!

Many blessings & Mahalo!



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