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Liam Tattersall

Liam Tattersall


Hello, my name is Liam and I’m a missionary working with YWAM.

I’m originally from Ottawa, Canada and have spent the last four years in Kona, Hawaii training and equipping young people to go into missions. I’m also a photographer and videographer and I am passionate about stories! Specifically, stories of God moving around the world. My heart is to see the gifts that God has given me used for His glory and ensuring the Kingdom of God is known in every nation. And doing all of this by inspiring the church to live a life worthy of their calling.

God has given me many dreams and much vision for the future in ministry, but right now I work with a ministry called Fire and Fragrance. We run discipleship training schools with a focus on prayer, worship and intercession, to unreached people groups, and Gen Z. Our schools run quarterly and we have almost 1000 students a year. We send Outreach teams to a multitude of countries on every continent.

My role in this is to communicate and share, through media, who we are as Fire and Fragrance. Our combined social media platforms have over 60,000 followers and we are growing that number daily. I produce photo, video and audio content for our YouTube channel, our podcast, and our Instagram. Long-term I’m launching out to YWAM Paris in France with a team to continue work in media with their university and help pioneer a house of prayer in Paris.

In order to do all this I need partners both in prayer, for God to continue to pour out favor and grace in my ministry, and financial support to live and work in missions. This is an amazing opportunity to bring other people on board with the vision of sharing stories that inspire the church. Together we can help see great commission fulfilled! We need laborers to be sent out, and if we want to see GenZ catch the vision of missions, then we need to meet them where they’re at. Where is that? It's on their phones and on social media!

Would you partner with me in investing in the future of GenZ in missions, to see God‘s name glorified around the world and many people sent in His service? I want to see revival and reformation across the Earth, but I can’t do it alone.



EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











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Accounting & Donor Services 925.478.4320 Ext. 301

Missionary & Mission Agency Services 

925.478.4320 Ext. 303




P.O. BOX 860

ALAMO, CA 94507

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