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Lauren LaBruto

Lauren LaBruto


Hi!! My name is Lauren LaBruto, a full-time missionary with Youth With A Mission (YWAM), in Kona, HI. We are based in the Pacific Islands but our impact is global!

Growing up, I had many ups and downs in my faith. In September 2022 I fully committed myself to a relationship with Jesus and I wanted to be all in for Him! After doing local outreach and getting involved in my community, I wanted to go to the nations. In January 2024 I attended a Dicsipleship Training School (DTS) and it had a major impact on my life. After praying, I knew that I was supposed to join staff and to give my life to help others know Jesus.

YWAM is a missions sending organization that focuses on discipling the future of missionaries to know God and to make Him known. YWAM has 1,800 campuses in over 180 countries. This movement is both international and interdenominational.

My role at YWAM is staffing the Fire & Fragrance DTS. It is one of the biggest schools on campus. I will be helping disciple youth and push them further in their walk with the Lord. After the classroom lecture phase, I will be leading a team from this school to do missionary work in another country.

It is my intention to continue follow God’s call on my life serving as a full time missionary. I cant do it alone, and I don't want to try! I need a team of partners who will stand with me so that the good news of Jesus can be shared throughout the nations. I know that together, we can change many lives.

Would you prayerfully consider partnering with me in prayer and finances to see the Gospel brought to the ends of the earth for love?



EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











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925.478.4320 Ext. 303




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