Hello my name is Lysa. I am in my 20s living in Sacramento CA on a word that the Lord gave me in 2021.
I have been given the opportunity to steward a ministry called Nameless and Faceless. This movement is birthed from Psalms 24 speaking of a generation with clean hands and a pure heart going after God. The vision Holy Spirit gave us is to break the spirit of competition in churches by hosting worship nights inviting people from churches to all serve on a team together and to elevate God as the Creator by giving room for the creative in the body.
Holy Spirit has asked me to work part time and support raise the rest of the finances needed to be in Full Time ministry as I am obedient to the vision He has given.
I am asking you to partner with me in prayer as I continue to be obedient to the Lord in giving Him my yes and would you consider partnering financially with what the Lord is doing here in Sacramento with the body.