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Luke Andersh

Luke Andersh


Hi, I am Luke Andersh! I am from Prescott, Arizona and just completed my Discipleship Training School (DTS ) at YWAM Byron Bay in March 2024. Jesus has done so many amazing things in my life and brought me from death to life in so many ways, and I am excited to see what He is going to continue to do in me and through me.

I have a calling for young adults ministry long term. It is the age where many people start following Jesus with their own decision as they move out of the house and are getting introduced to living more independently. A lot of young adults fall away from church for a season, so I want to start ministries and places where they are ready to be welcomed back to church, and for those who stay, to have a place where they can continue to increase their fire for Jesus.

I will be returning to YWAM Byron Bay for a 2 year staff internship (C4CM) where I will learn how to become a servant leader. I am going to be staffing two DTS schools (Sept 2024 + Feb 2026) over the time and hopefully be able to go through a Discipleship Bible School and a School of Worship that YWAM Byron Bay also has to offer in the in between times. I will also be backbone staff during the in between times when I am not staffing a DTS, which includes kitchen duty, maintenance, social media, etc.

I will be staffing this September 2024 DTS coming up and a DTS in February 2026. My responsibilities will be to facilitate the discipleship journey of the students during the 3 month lecture phase. We will do local outreaches in the coastal town of Byron Bay, Australia every week, serving pancakes and chai to the locals and backpackers who are passing through. Byron is a very spiritual place where people from all of the world are together and generally open to the Gospel. Then, I will lead a 2 month international outreach with another leader to take the students to the nations and share the Good News that has transformed their lives and bring the Kingdom to the lost.

You can support me and partner with me on this amazing journey! The biggest support is prayer, because I am trusting God as my Provider, and praying for what I will be doing and for provision are the biggest things. God called me to go back to staff, and He asked me that I would trust Him in ways I have never before, so this is me trusting Him and walking in simple obedience and walking by faith, not sight.

I just finished paying off my DTS fees recently, so I am in need of financial support! The staff fees will be $700 a month including everything, which looks like 14 people committing to $50 a month or 35 people committing $20 a month.

Thank you so much for reading!

- Luke


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