Hey There!
My Name is Keith and I'm a 20 year old missionary serving with the Circuit Riders Ministry.
I've been serving at my local church for 7 years. Leading worship, Serving in youth and young adult ministry.
I felt the call of God to go deeper and wider than I have ever been. I attended the Circuit Riders ministry school in January of 24 and it changed my life.
This August I will be joining full time Staff! Serving in worship with Circuit Riders Music, as well as training and personally discipling students in the next school of ministry.
Circuit Riders is a missions organization that focuses specifically on reaching Universities and High Schools,
based in Huntington Beach, California. Equipping and training young people to share the Gospel with their generation.
My heart is to see men in my generation walking in freedom, while having deep devout relationships with Jesus.
I'm building a team of investors to join in what God is doing through this ministry. I would love for you to partner with me through financial support and prayer!
I am raising $2500 for:
• Housing/Rent!
• Food/Groceries!
• Transportation! (Car/Gas)
• Living Expenses/Savings!
I'm beyond excited for this next season with the Lord!
Please pray and contend for God to move through the hearts of these college and high school students!
Would you prayerfully consider joining my monthly support team, or contributing a one time gift?