Hey guys, my name is Kiylah!
I am part of a missions organization that is growing and spreading all over the world called YWAM! This organization has helped to show me what it means to be a child of God. Youth With A Mission has given me tools, skills, and understanding on how to spread the good news to the ends of the earth. The heart of YWAM Kona is to know God and make Him known. I want to help young people of my generation find God and be made new in Him!
In the fall of 2023, I attended my DTS and was gripped as the Spirit revealed more of Jesus to me and the reality of the cross and what it did for the WORLD. God gave me a burning passion for unreached people groups around the world to come to know Him deeply and intimately.
After returning from DTS, I expected to settle back into life at home. But as time passed, I began to feel like there was more that the Lord wanted to show me. There was more for me to learn and more ways for me to serve. So, I began to sit and seek the Lord on this feeling, and slowly the pieces began to fall into place. After only being back home for a month, the Lord revealed to me that I needed to head back to Kona to do a Discipleship Bible School. In this course, we study and get in-depth education in the Bible for three months. Then, we learn to align our lives with the Bible's teachings. After completing DBS, I will be committing the next two years to being a staff member at YWAM, discipling and leading teams into the nations! I would specifically serve with Fire and Fragrance, a Discipleship Training School within YWAM.
In order to continue serving with YWAM and Fire and Fragrance DTS, I am building a team of people who will commit to praying for me and supporting me financially monthly to cover living expenses. Would you prayerfully consider joining me financially as I continue to say yes to Jesus? I am excited to continue to yield first to His leadership as He teaches me to lead others like Him while learning what it looks like to be a friend and student of His Spirit.
Much love,
Makiylah Mapp