My name is Kima Hmar and I am from India. My wife and I are currently living in Cape Town, South Africa and are working with Youth With A Mission.
For the last 28 years, I have worked in the field of Discipleship and Leadership Development within the context of YWAM's Discipleship Training School.
My passion is primarily walking alongside individuals and/or communities in a discipleship capacity, helping develop their understanding of God, challenge them to grow in Christlikeness and to be motivated to be witnesses of God's Character in all their relationships.
I am also a chef, and a professional chef in the making and am passionate about seeing how the table of food and fellowship can become the grounds for reconciliation of relationships, healing of broken hearts and the proclamation of the unhindered love of God to all those invited to participate in the feast.
I also have a vision to help equip those with similar gifts and passion to be able to do the same in the nations and communities they are called in.
Kima Hmar