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Kafui Glover

Kafui Glover


Hello! I'm Kafui, I'm from Providence, RI, and I am currently preparing to go to a Discipleship Training School (DTS) and serve with the Circuit Riders in Huntington Beach, CA.


The Circuit Riders are a YWAM (Youth With A Mission) missions organization with a focus on reaching our generation with the message of the Gospel. This is done through a campaign outreach called Carry the Love. This is a campaign that is geared towards reaching university campuses with the love of Jesus in America and in the nations. On this outreach we will hold evangelistic events, do one on one evangelism, hold evangelism trainings, lead small groups, and serve local communities across America and Europe.


As a recent college graduate, I had some incredible experiences serving my community through leading in ministry, and Jesus opened my eyes to the needs of my campus. As I was a student, I began to notice the severity of emptiness in the hearts of my peers and professors. This is an emptiness that can only be filled by believing in the fullness of the Gospel.


I believe that the time for a radical Jesus movement in our generation is now, and I want to be as equipped as possible to usher my generation into the presence of God.


I need your help! I am asking that you would prayerfully consider giving financially towards the next 7 months of my training with the Circuit Riders.


The Lord is moving in mighty ways, and I want you to partner with me financially, so that we can see the Great Commission fulfilled in these last days!


I am incredibly grateful for you and I’m excited to share this next part of my life with you!


For His glory and for love!




EquipNet is a 22-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











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