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Kayden Dahl

Kayden Dahl


Hello friends and family!! I am Kayden Dahl. I am currently a full time missionary. I am a part of YWAM (Youth With A Mission) in Amsterdam. I am a part of the DBS (Discipleship Bible School).

In DBS, we get to read through the entire Bible with community. We have the opportunity to discuss topics, ask questions, and share thoughts. We also receive teaching on every book. Through the lectures we are given historical and cultural context, explore literary genres and the main themes of the Bible. We follow the redemptive plan of God from Genesis to Revelation.

During my DBS, my relationship with God and how I viewed Him was completely transformed! Now, I wish to help others grow closer to God just as my staff did for me.

In order to do so, I will have to rely on the generosity and support of others. I will need $1,000 a month in order to support myself with housing, food, insurance and visa expenses. I also learned the power of prayer in my DBS. I would love a group that I can count on to keep me in their prayers.


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