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Joshua Yates

Joshua Yates


Hi, I'm Joshua Yates!

I've grown up a Christian, but I fell away from God and wasn't making good decisions, but God saved me last year and my life has never been the same!

Over that last year, it's been on my heart to join Circuit Riders and God called me to do it this fall! I prayed and He showed me a sign!

The Circuit Riders Experience is a school where we grow closer with God and learn how to share His love with others! We will also be doing missions trips to see college students find Jesus and know His love! I am very blessed to have this opportunity!

My goal is to find partners who will come along side of me and help me to raise ten thousand dollars in support for my time at the Circuit Riders and our missions trips!

Any prayer or other support is greatly appreciated also! God Bless!!!


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