Hi! My name is Jilly Stringer and I love Jesus!
I am a part of a ministry called Prayer House. Our mission is to establish houses of prayer within local churches in order to edify them. We are making every effort to see churches rekindled with a renewed passion for legitimate prayer and worship because we think that prayer is crucial to daily life.
Our hearts are changed to more closely resemble Him, so that we can appropriately represent Him to the rest of the world as we worship Him morning, noon, and night. We firmly believe that worship is essential to the Church's empowerment, equipping, and sending out. Â From the months from February-May, we will be in Nashville, Tennessee!
God has put in me a huge heart towards missions and worship. I am so grateful He has given me these gifts to use for His glory. I had never in a million years thought I would be a missionary in Tennessee. I know. It’s a shock to me too. Tennessee had never crossed my mind once in the past 19 years of my life. Which is what makes it SO COOL. And it points to the fact that it could only be God.
All that being said, my first down payment is due on December 1st. This trip is a total of $6,000 which includes; housing, food, gas, etc…
The biggest thing I ask of you is prayer. This is a huge step, and prayer is much needed and necessary.
But I would also like to ask you to pray about partnering with me financially.
I do realize that the end of the year is coming and you probably have the joys of giving that pull at your heartstrings. Inviting you to join me on my mission is what brings me joy and if this is something that brings you joy to consider, I invite you to lean in and join me.
But overall, prayer is the best thing you can do, even if you do not feel led to give :) And if you do feel led to give, pray about it first. Seek God even in that.
I love you all so much :)