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Jacob & Amy Smith

Jacob & Amy Smith


Greetings in Christ from the Smith family. We hope you will consider partnering with us in pursuing the ministry that God has called us to. Please read on to familiarize yourself a little bit with our hearts and our journey. Grace and Peace.

The Smiths

Jacob desires to display God’s beauty before God’s people in word and deed. He hopes to do this in order to help position them to be compelled by the Holy Spirit to know God more and to treasure him above all things. Jacob aspires to do this through lifelong, gospel ministry in the local church, for this is God’s good design to make his manifold wisdom known (Eph 3:10). By heralding the gospel through Holy Spirit-empowered preaching, providing theologically rich teaching, and gentle, loving pastoral care, he hopes to help present others mature in Christ. In short, Jacob desires to shepherd the flock lovingly, gently, and patiently in order to lead them into a deeper knowledge of and greater affection for God and in order to pass on this gospel to future generations.

To this end, the Smith family is moving to Kansas City! Jacob has completed his MDiv at Bethlehem Seminary in Minneapolis, MN, and now he, his wife Amy, and their brand new daughter, Evelyn LeeBeth, are joining Emmaus Church in Kansas City, MO, to continue Jacob’s pastoral training. Jacob has been accepted into a two-year pastoral residency program at Emmaus Church. While taking part in the Emmaus Pastoral Residency (EPR), he, along with others in his resident cohort, will aim to grow in preaching, teaching, pastoral counseling, and other areas of pastoral ministry under the direct training, shepherding, and oversight of the elders.

While Jacob participates in the residency, Amy hopes to continue to grow in her singing and musical gifts. She desires to continue to minister to other Christians and serve the local church through worship leading, and has served in this capacity throughout her life. After the two-year residency, Jacob hopes to be affirmed by the elders in his calling to pastoral ministry and commissioned by Emmaus to accept a call to pastor a local church or to plant a church.

Right now, the Smiths sense God calling them to pastoral ministry in a cross-cultural setting. They hope to be commissioned by Emmaus to minister in this capacity in order to help spread the gospel through the local church in a context with much gospel need.

Would you consider partnering prayerfully and/or financially with Jacob and the Smith family in his journey to pastoral ministry and the family’s journey to serve the church in the future?


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