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Jaqi Robson

Jaqi Robson


Hi! My name is Jaqi Robson and I'm so glad you're here.

In 2019 the Lord called me to leave my old life behind (working in youth ministry at the church I grew up in and getting my degree in Communications) and follow Him into missions. What I thought would be a short few months as a missionary, has now turned into my whole life.

I've always had a passion for reaching people in my generation with the love of Jesus. Since I was in high school, I've yearned to see young people set free and walk in their full God-given identity. This is one of the main mandates of Circuit Riders, the organization I currently serve with. Circuit Riders is a sister organization of YWAM (Youth With A Mission) that seeks to Save the lost. Revive the saved. and Train them all. We travel around the USA, Europe, East Africa, Southeast Asia, and Oceania preaching the gospel to middle school, high school, and college students. We reach people by hosting evangelistic gatherings, worship events, leadership trainings, and street evangelism. 

I specifically am on the media team. Our heart is to reach students through social media and help get people to attend our gatherings, where our teams can meet with them in person and pray with them. I run our online training community, which empowers believers all over the world to live the lifestyle of Jesus through practical teachings and training. I am also a part of the Europe team, where I help lead outreach teams to northern Europe, where we catalyze leaders and preach the gospel on our Carry the Love tour. 

So this is where you come in. I can't travel and preach the gospel around the world without YOU! I'd love to partner with you-prayerfully and financially-to accomplish this mission. By joining my monthly support team, you are taking part in a greater vision to see hundreds of thousands of young people turn away from sin and to God. Their decisions to follow Jesus are due in part to your generosity and sowing into this ministry! 

Would you prayerfully consider joining my monthly support team and partnering with God and I to fulfill the Great Commission?

Thank you and God bless!



EquipNet is a 22-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











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925.478.4320 Ext. 303




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