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Jason Rich

Jason Rich


Jason has been serving on the mission field in Oslo Norway since August 2016. Prior to coming to know the Lord in 1992, Jason had a history of drug use and living on the street. Currently living a life radically changed by Jesus Christ, he developed and oversees the YWAM Oslo Homeless Ministry. Based on Jesus’s parable in Matthew 25:34-40, the ministry seeks to help those Jesus identified as “in need”: the homeless, strangers, sick, and those in prison.

The vision of the Homeless Ministry is to reach those in need, right where there are, as Jesus did with those He healed. In reaching those in need the purpose is twofold: to develop relationships and in those relationships share the hope of new life through Jesus Christ.

The ministry is providing weekly Bible studies for homeless and drug addicts; operating a morning coffee cafe for men who stay in a homeless shelter and conducting street ministry where relationships are being developed among the homeless, drug addicts, and outcasts of Oslo.

Your prayers and support are much appreciated for the continuance of this ministry! For more information please contact Jason directly at


EquipNet is a 22-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.




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